“The love you take is equal to the love you give” — USC x Time Auction Dinner with David Harilela, CEO of David Harilela Group

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.
Born into the respected and prominent Harilela family, you would never guess that David Harilela grew up with just US$3 for his monthly allowance as a teenager.Today, David is a man who built his business from scratch and later took over the family business after rescuing it from financial devastation in the 80s.
Not only is he a successful entrepreneur (CEO of David Harilela Group and Harilela Group Ltd (HGL), and Director of Harilela Hotels Ltd) but he’s also a compassionate philanthropist and musician. Looking to his father as his role model, David was taught from a young age to be generous and is now committed to his project THE ONE — an annual international humanitarian award aiming to seek and empower the ‘Mother Teresa of tomorrow’.
Over dinner, David shared his inspirations behind his philanthropic ventures and how he incorporates those values into his businesses.
What life philosophy do you live by?
In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you give.
If you’re not ready to give to something, if you’re not ready to give to somebody, then don’t even enter the race. My father taught me, even if an enemy comes to your house, let them in. Give them water and listen to them — even if you don’t want to do business with them.
Every time I’ve given something small, something good comes back.
And people are shocked when they come in, because normally people give you nothing. I think that if you come to my office, I should thank you.
I also believe that it’s important to have integrity. If I’ve got a good tip, I will tell all my friends. In 2008 I lost the money I was holding for my sisters. They left it in my hands, and I lost it. Millions of dollars. You know what I did? I paid them back all their capital with a 3% dividend. I’m very old-fashioned and responsible. I think integrity is very important.
What is one habit that has significantly improved your life?
I listen and I respect people’s opinions, whether they are successful or not. You can always learn something from somebody.
What is something people will find surprising about you?
I’m extremely meticulous.
People think that the big things count, but the small things also count.
Why do I look at every email? To protect my staff and to protect myself from mistakes. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I’m very meticulous, even ‘til this day.
My staff and I have to respond to clients’ emails within 24 hours. That’s a rule in my office. If I don’t have the answer, I’ll ask, “Can I come back to you? I need more time.” But I must reply. People admire efficiency. Paying attention to somebody is the biggest compliment you can give them. It means that they’re important.
What do you want everyone to take away from meeting you today?
Believe in yourself and follow your heart. It can’t be wrong.
If you believe in it, then it’s going to happen.
Don’t spend time convincing yourself to do something. If you feel it in your heart, don’t wait, just do it.
Thank you Mr. Harilela for raising 53 volunteer hours to HandsOn Hong Kong, Shum Shui Po Nam Chong Community Center and more!
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This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/the-love-you-take-is-equal-to-the-love-you-give-usc-x-time-auction-dinner-with-david-harilela-66ec7fe4134e