159 results
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
From Passion to Profession: How Volunteering Leads to Full-Time Impact | Case Study
Skilled volunteers play a crucial role in empowering non-profit organizations, providing the expertise necessary to help them achieve their missions more effectively. In 2024, we had the privilege of collaborating with two remarkable NGOs—Rise Wise Foundation and Generation Hong Kong—who utilized our platform to recruit volunteers, leading to impactful capacity-building successes. The Challenge Both Rise […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
Enhancing Impact Measurement for Social Enterprise Summit: From Strategy to Execution | Skilled Volunteering Case Study
At Time Auction, we believe in the power of skilled volunteering to drive meaningful change. A shining example of this is the recent collaboration with the Social Enterprise Summit (SES), which beautifully illustrates how our platform can support NGOs not just with hands-on volunteer work, but also through strategic capacity building. The Challenge The Social […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
How Skilled Volunteers Powered Events Celebrating Inclusion and Music | Case Study
Skilled volunteers are essential for small and medium-sized organizations, providing crucial support in achieving their goals efficiently. In 2024 Q4, we had the opportunity to support two vibrant NGOs—Pink Dot Hong Kong (Pink Dot) and the Hong Kong International Ukulele Association (HKIUA), who successfully utilized our platform to recruit volunteers for their impactful events. The […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
Empowering Young Voices Through Choral Education with Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus | Co'asis Case Study
Founded in 2011, The Hong Kong Virtuoso Chorus (HKVC) is dedicated to nurturing young talents and fostering a love for choral music. Through its innovative programs, HKVC not only enhances musical skills but also enriches the lives of students by fostering teamwork, discipline, and cultural appreciation. The Challenge As HKVC's programme scale up, the nonprofit […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
From Challenges to Growth: How Agewhale Scaled Its Impact | Co'asis Case Study
Founded by Grace Cheng, Agewhale is a social enterprise startup dedicated to enhancing eldercare through innovative tech solutions. Its all-in-one app helps caregivers manage the complexities of eldercare by providing personalized care planning, consultation support, and access to caregiving resources. As the sole founder, Grace oversees all strategic and operational aspects—a challenging task of running […]
提到做義工,好多香港人第一時間諗到嘅可能係周末去老人院派飯盒、賣旗,又或者係去郊野公園執垃圾。呢類傳統義工活動確實係香港人最熟悉嘅形式。大家可能會覺得做義工一定要親身出動,要花時間同體力。仲有打工仔可能會諗,平時返工已經咁忙,邊有時間去做義工呢? 不過,你又有冇諗過喺網上做義工呢?而家科技咁發達,唔使親身出動都可以幫到人㗎。無論你係冇時間、唔方便親身出動,定係想試下新嘢,網上義工都啱晒你。呢種新興嘅遙距義工形式打破咗好多人對義工嘅固有印象。佢唔單止更加方便靈活,仲可以配合每個人嘅專長同興趣。就算你喺屋企,都可以為社會出一分力。 今次同大家介紹吓3大網上義工服務種類,等你都可以喺網上出一分力! 1.網上陪伴同支援 喺呢個忙碌嘅社會,好多人都感到孤單同有壓力。透過網上平台,你可以為有需要嘅人提供情感支持同陪伴,等佢哋感受到被關心。呢類義工活動可以提升你嘅聆聽同溝通技巧,學識點樣同唔同背景嘅人相處。增強你嘅同理心,更加明白社會上唔同群體嘅需要。透過接觸到唔同類型嘅人同情況,除咗可以建立更強嘅耐性同包容心,更可以擴闊你嘅社交圈子,認識到一班有共同理念嘅朋友。 立即發掘! 2.數碼技能支援 呢個資訊爆炸嘅年代,好多慈善機構、NGO同受眾社群都要面對數碼化嘅挑戰。如果你有啲電腦技能嘅話,呢類義工活動就啱晒你喇!你唔單止可以幫到有需要嘅NGO,仲可以將你嘅專業技能用喺實際項目度,等你嘅經驗更加豐富。透過呢類義工活動,你仲可以擴闊你嘅專業網絡,認識更多同行、喺履歷表度加入有意義嘅項目經驗。 立即發掘! 3.網上教學同輔導 教育真係可以改變一個人嘅命運。透過網上平台,你可以將你嘅知識同經驗傳授俾有需要嘅人,尤其是小朋友、學生等,幫佢哋成長。更可以增強你嘅耐性同同理心,學識點樣因材施教。提升你嘅表達能力,學識點樣將複雜嘅概念簡單化! 立即發掘! Time Auction 技能義工配對平台 Time Auction提供多達30種技能、17個範疇嘅過濾選項,無論是遠程或實地。你都可以到網站瀏覽最新嘅活動機會,發掘更加多可以參與嘅義工工作,並且根據你嘅專長同興趣選擇最適合你嘅項目。 好多嘅義工活動只係需要花費半日嘅時間,就可以為NGO作出實質嘅貢獻,幫助佢哋更好地服務社會。快啲行動,發揮你嘅專長,加入義工行列啦! 一齊為社會出一分力!
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
How Junior Achievement Hong Kong Empowers Youth Through Mentorship | Skilled Volunteering Case Study
The Challenge Junior Achievement (JA) Hong Kong is dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people for success in the global economy. They organise workshops at schools throughout the year, focusing on topics such as entrepreneurship, career readiness, and financial health. The NGO's accomplishments depend significantly on strong partnerships and valuable support from community members who […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
How AWEsum Care Prepares Advance Care Panning for Elderlies | Skilled Volunteering Case Study
The Challenge AWEsum Care's mission is to promote and ensure that Advance Care Planning is accessible to people in need, particularly the ageing population in Hong Kong. This planning includes three core documents: the Will, Enduring Power of Attorney, and Advance Directive. AWEsum Care regularly hosts witnessing days to assist elders in signing an Enduring […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
How Quarryside (St. James Settlement) Transforms a Community Space and Experience | Skilled Volunteering Case Study
The Challenge Quarryside, a community space located in Quarry Bay, was recently launched in June 2023. It aims to provide diverse experiences that foster a creative, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle. With a newly launched space, the NGO operator, St. James’ Settlement is in need of recruiting for volunteers with event support experience to support the […]
Skilled-Volunteer Matching Program
How ComHome Social Housing Platform Built an Accessible Website | Skilled Volunteering Case Study
The Challenge Driven by the vision that every individual in Hong Kong deserves a comfortable home, Comhome Social Housing Platform (Comhome) is dedicated to providing information and assistance with rental matching services to underprivileged communities, at low or zero cost. With their realty service officially launching in 2023, they recognise it is crucial to create […]
咁多個香港義工配對平台之中,你有冇聽過Time Auction 呢?以下係關於Time Auction 嘅常見問題,俾你可以一分鐘內了解Time Auction 係咩嚟: (一)Time Auction係咩嚟? Time Auction 係一個香港義工配對平台,中文譯名係「時間拍賣」,顧名思義,義工喺平台上面參加義工活動後,可以用自己嘅義工時數(Volunteer hour)兌換獎勵。 (二)Time Auction同一般義工配對平台有咩分別? Time Auction 平台上面嘅義工服務以技能義工(Skilled-volunteers)服務為主。技能義工會運用個人技能同專長,為非牟利組織(NGO)提供專業嘅義工服務。呢類義工服務好多都可以遠程(Remote working)完成,義工可以靈活安排自己嘅工作時間同工作地點,換取義工時數。 (三)賺義工時數有啲咩好處? 喺Time Auction上面,累積一定義工時數後可以兌換不同種類嘅獎賞。義工可以選擇同社會各界嘅專業人士會面或飯聚,交流工作經驗同人生價值,從佢地身上學習成功嘅秘訣;Time Auction亦會定期更新唔同嘅文化或健康相關嘅體驗活動,義工可以參加自己感興趣嘅活動,增值自己。 以往Time Auction曾邀請前財政司司長曾俊華、歌手鄭秀文等社會名人出席義工聚餐;亦曾經舉辦過抽獎,俾義工用義工時數抽韓國人氣女團Blackpink嘅演唱會飛,獎賞種類非常多元。 【探索獎賞】 (四)點解會成立Time Auction? Time Auction 喺2014年成立,2017年註冊成為慈善機構。創辦人發現香港人做義工嘅比例低於其他國際城市,於是萌生用義工時數換獎賞嘅諗法,希望鼓勵更多香港市民用空餘時間做義工,令NGO得到自己需要嘅技能支援嘅同時,義工又可以兌換自己想要嘅活動獎勵,達致雙嬴局面。 (五)Time Auction上面有咩義工活動? Time Auction 上面70%嘅義工專案係線上或遙距可以完成。義工種類涵蓋辦公室技能支援(如平面設計、文案寫作)、現場活動技能支援(如活動攝影、活動協調員)、專業建議和諮詢(如商業諮詢、法律意見諮詢)等。 (六)點樣搵義工服務? 喺Time Auction平台上,義工可以選擇服務範疇、擅長技能、服務所需時數等篩選條件,搜尋到最符合專長嘅義工服務。 如果唔想自己搜尋咁麻煩,Time Auction 定期有電郵(Email)通知義工最新嘅義工招募項目,義工可以根據分類一次過瀏覽同自己專業技能(Professions)相關嘅項目。義工亦可以瀏覽Time Auction 嘅Instagram同LinkedIn帳戶了解每星期精選嘅義工招募項目。 【探索義工機會】 (七)點樣註冊成為Time Auction 義工? Time Auction嘅義工註冊步驟非常簡單,新用戶只要喺Time Auction 網頁用Facebook、LinkedIn或電郵地址就可以註冊,註冊後即時可以喺每星期100+項義工服務中搵最啱你心水嘅服務去申請! 【立即申請】
想為社區發展出一分力,但又覺得傳統義工服務例如淨灘(Beach cleanup)、長者探訪(Elderly Visit)、賣旗(Flag-selling)要投入太多時間?其實2023年嘅義務工作方式已經比以前更加多元,技能義工(Skilled-volunteers)就係其中之一!技能義工會運用個人技能同專長,為NGO(非牟利組織)提供專業嘅義工服務。 傳統義工服務成日強調「助人為快樂之本」,但技能義工喺服務中得到嘅點止快樂咁簡單?以下係做技能義工嘅5大好處,同技能義工嘅服務種類介紹: 目錄 1)做技能義工的5大好處 (一)靈活安排自己時間 (二)義工服務形式多樣 (三)提供技能實戰機會 (四)拓展人際網絡 (五)發掘個人興趣 2)技能義工的4大種類 (一)辦公室技能支援 (二)現場活動技能支援 (三)專業建議和諮詢 (四)培訓導師 3)香港義工配對平台推介 1)做技能義工的5大好處 做技能義工的好處:(一)靈活安排自己時間 香港人生活繁忙,未必每個人都可以抽時間出嚟參與實體服務。而技能義工好多時都唔需要去NGO嘅實體辦公室,義工可以靈活安排自己嘅工作時間同工作地點,喺服務時間內遠程(Remote working)完成義工服務,每個月抽幾個自己得閒的時間就可以做義工,自由度更大! 做技能義工的好處:(二)義工服務形式多樣 技能義工工種多元,可以根據自己嘅專長選擇自己可以勝任嘅義工機會;亦都可以從NGO嘅關注議題入手,選擇自己感興趣嘅服務項目;甚或乎可以根據自己慣用嘅工作模式,去選擇參與個人專案(Individual project)或者團隊專案(Team project),營造最舒適嘅義務工作氛圍! 做技能義工的好處:(三)提供技能實戰機會 技能義工係證明個人能力嘅好機會,Swire Trust Go Giver 2022得獎者 Carissa 就係例子之一!Carissa商業出身,疫情期間想轉行做UX/UI網頁設計,自學成材但苦無實戰經驗。於是Carissa透過義工配對平台搵到網頁設計義工服務,最後成功以義工經驗轉行成為UX/UI正職設計師。想轉行或者係未有工作經驗嘅大學畢業生(University graduates)可以喺履歷表(Resume)入面寫低服務紀錄,證明自己有工作經驗,增加面試機會,提升求職競爭優勢! 做技能義工的好處:(四)拓展人際網絡 技能義工嘅工作或者參與嘅會議中,有機會同其他義工、NGOs、顧問、贊助商共事,認識來自商界、社福界、法律界等不同背景同工作領域嘅人,拓展人際網絡(Interpersonal network)之餘,更可以透過交流經驗增廣見聞,裝備自己嘅職場競爭優勢! 做技能義工的好處:(五)發掘個人興趣 技能義工服務種類非常多,涵蓋平面設計(Graphic Design)、翻譯(Translation)、活動策劃(Event Planning)、商業諮詢(Consultation)等各範疇。如果你「周身刀張張利」,但又知自己最適合嘅工種係咩,不妨透過技能義工機會發掘個人興趣。 心大心細做唔做義工?一於嚟睇下技能義工服務嘅4大種類啦! 2)技能義工的4大種類 技能義工種類(一):辦公室技能支援 遠程協助NGO日常運作,例如行政支援(Administrative support)、平面設計(Graphic design)、數碼營銷(Digital marketing)、翻譯(Translation)、文案寫作(Copywriting)、項目管理(Project management)、網頁設計(Website Design)。 【探索義工機會】 技能義工種類(二):現場活動技能支援 協助NGO舉行活動,例如記者會、開幕禮、講座同聚會,需要嘅技能包括活動策劃(Event planner)、活動司儀(Event MC)、活動協調員(Event […]