Riding on the Bright Side— Lunch with Frederick Ma, Chairman of MTR

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Frederick donating lunch and raising 245 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

Frederick Ma is not just Chairman of MTR Corporation, he is also a household name that has helped build Hong Kong to where it is today, with 40+ years in the finance sector and previously serving as Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury & Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development.

At lunch at South China Building in Central, where he start his first job 40+ years ago, he shared with us his stories and mentality behind rising from his humble beginnings, witnessing the change of Hong Kong through his journey, as well as his tips for our generation.

What is your life motto?

Never give up. It’s very easy to give up. You have to keep telling yourself, whether you’re dealing with a tough situation or a tough person, to never give up.

Another thing is that you have to be optimistic. In life, there are many many challenges.

If you’re a pessimist, you’re not going to take advantage of the situation. Look at the bright side of things, not the grave side.

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When I first joined the government as Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, I didn’t know anything about the government. I had to deal with an issue, which I did not handle very well. On top of that, a colleague of mine shifted the responsibility to protect herself. But looking back today, I thank her.

Some of you ask how I deal with the media so well? The media was very critical of me when I first joined the government, but when I left, they were full of praises. I learned how to deal with them; I was the first secretary to write a letter to the public every month explaining what I was doing. I recovered from hitting rock bottom and became one of the top ranking government officials in terms of popularity after six years. That sort of resilience is what I would like all of you to have.

You suffer but you learn, and you turn it around.

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What is something you want everyone to take away today?

Really it is up to each individual, but I’m sure everyone wants to be successful, whether as an artist or a banker. Everyone has to work on his or her own success, but most important is being happy.

What does happiness mean? It means you have a good family, good friends, good hobbies. You live a full life if you have these.

There were times in life when I was not happy, like when I was in New York, getting a hard time from my boss. In times like these you have to tell yourself, “After this period, I will be happy. I have to be optimistic.” When I look back on my time in New York, the suffering was short.

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Focus on turning over a new leaf and the happiness beyond, otherwise you will give up very easily.

The same applies to my government career. I could have easily went to the Chief Executive and said that I quit. I was suffering, probably sleeping around three hours a day. It was the most miserable time of my life, but looking back, it was a good experience. If I didn’t suffer then, I wouldn’t be where I am today. If you look at things from the bright side, then everything will be okay.

If your boss is giving you a hard time, say to yourself, “It’s fine. One day, I’ll be the boss.” If your client is giving you a hard time, say to yourself, “That’s why I’m being paid.”

Once you say that to yourself, you’ll become happier. You shouldn’t internalize all your unhappiness and grievances.

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Is there a habit that has significantly improved your life?

A lot of my habits have been developed over the years. Discipline is one of them, being courteous is another. For example, when I leave this room, I will shake hands with every one of you. I believe it is very important to be courteous to others, to address people well.

I’ve seen a lot of young people who see me for the first time and call me by my first name. If you don’t know that person so well and you’re not on the same level, please don’t address them by their first name. If I tell you it’s okay to call me Fred, then that’s a different story.

Recently I was in London and saw an old friend, who is now a Lord, Lord Green. I still address him as “Lord Green,” because that is a matter of courtesy. I still call Professor Chan, my former university teacher from 44 years ago, as “Teacher.” Addressing people courteously goes back to how you make people feel. It’s okay to be friendly, but you need to be aware of your position.

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Thank you Frederick for donating lunch, and thanks to everyone who volunteered and took part in raising 245 volunteer hours to The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection, Food Angel, The Home of Love, Kids4Kids, M+, JCI Hong Kong Jayceettes, Senior Citizen Home Safety Association, Community Business and more.

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/riding-on-the-bright-side-lunch-with-frederick-ma-chairman-of-mtr-b4fe7d8e147a

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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