8 volunteer hours required
Unavailable - No spots left
This is part of the Wellness series.
兌換Gaze Yoga Fitness 瑩·瑜伽普拉提的普拉提 韓國美體塑身機體驗。🤍Gaze Yoga Fitness 瑩·瑜伽普拉提🤍,是一個專為女性設計的8人精品瑜伽工作室,課堂多元化,動靜皆可。以瑜伽、健身為基礎,通過正念療癒課堂和冥想訓練來增強身心滿足感。
韓國Kit Gym的普拉提美體塑身機是一款多功能運動設備,能全面鍛煉身體肌肉和核心肌群,提供超過100種訓練動作。普拉提的訓練動作不僅能提升情感健康,舒緩精神壓力,還能在強化肌肉的同時促進血液循環,消除緊張情緒。其動作能帶來平靜和活力,有助於集中精神,釋放壓力。
日期: 逢星期一、三 (自行預約,視供應情況而定)
時間:16:30 - 17:30(逢星期一)
12:30 - 13:30(逢星期三)
Redeem a spot for Korean Mini Reformer Pilates Class at Gaze Yoga Fitness! 🤍Gaze Yoga Fitness🤍, designed exclusively for woman - this boutique studio accommodates...
8 volunteer hours must be completed during 23 May 2023 to 23 Aug 2024.
Special thanks to Gaze Yoga Fitness for donating the reward!
8 volunteer hours required
Unavailable - No spots left
This reward requires 8 volunteer hours, and you don't have sufficient volunteer hours in your account.
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on May 23, 2024
Time Auction is a charity that advocates volunteerism. We encourage volunteering with inspiring experiences, while connecting skilled-volunteers with NGOs.
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