Our Success Stories

5742 successful Volunteer Matches made on 3646 Projects for 831 Non-profit Organizations to date.

Video / Article Career Sharing
Zero to Infinity Limited

Stephanie C. is volunteering as Video / Article Career Sharing for Zero to Infinity Limited

星期一收麵包 Monday Bread Runner
Breadline (HK FoodWorks)

Anson W. is volunteering as 星期一收麵包 Monday Bread Runner for Breadline (HK FoodWorks)

Birthday Buddies for Children in Need
Birthday Happiness Asia

芯悅 羅. is volunteering as Birthday Buddies for Children in Need for Birthday Happiness Asia

Video / Article Career Sharing
Zero to Infinity Limited

Cherie C. is volunteering as Video / Article Career Sharing for Zero to Infinity Limited

Mentor for Child Development Fund (3 years)
Luisa Tan
Institute of Leadership and Management Foundation Limited

Lok T. is volunteering as Mentor for Child Development Fund (3 years) for Institute of Leadership and Management Foundation Limited

Mental Health Survey Helpers
Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

Victoria W. is volunteering as Mental Health Survey Helpers for Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

Event Support (22 Sep)
Pink Dot HK

Yuk Cheung C. is volunteering as Event Support (22 Sep) for Pink Dot HK

Mental Health Survey Helpers
Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

Joy N. is volunteering as Mental Health Survey Helpers for Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

Event Support (22 Sep)
Pink Dot HK

Vicent A. is volunteering as Event Support (22 Sep) for Pink Dot HK

星期五收麵包 Friday Bread Runner
Breadline (HK FoodWorks)

Helen W. is volunteering as 星期五收麵包 Friday Bread Runner for Breadline (HK FoodWorks)

Content Template Designer
Ka Ki
Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association

Chun Wai, Jared Y. is volunteering as Content Template Designer for Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association

Youth Summit 2024 - Venue Management

Angie C. is volunteering as Youth Summit 2024 - Venue Management for Kids4Kids

Birthday Buddies for Children in Need
Birthday Happiness Asia

Yan Tung Valerie S. is volunteering as Birthday Buddies for Children in Need for Birthday Happiness Asia

Annual Report Designer
Hong Kong Children in Need
Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation 童享慈善基金會

Melody Z. is volunteering as Annual Report Designer for Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation 童享慈善基金會

Mental Health Survey Helpers
Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

Lee D. is volunteering as Mental Health Survey Helpers for Collective Guts Hong Kong Charitable Limited

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