Turning crises into opportunities — Dinner with Alfred Chan, Managing Director of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited

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Dinner with Alfred has raised 150 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

As the Managing Director of the iconic public utility company, Towngas, Alfred has fostered the expansion of the firm. Since taking over in 1997, he has helped the company build over 240 business establishments in Mainland China, with projects ranging from city gas, renewable energy, telecommunications and more!

With his extensive work history from various disciplines, including engineering, marketing and customer service, Alfred contributes his wealth of knowledge to the continued growth of this multi-discipline, regional conglomerate in Asia. With this kind of work ethic, it is no wonder he was awarded with a number of awards and accolades in the past couple of decades.

Over dinner, Alfred shared with us how he deals with stress, and how he balances his personal life and career.

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What’s your management principle?

When managing such a big company, you need to have a bit of happy-go-lucky personality, or else you won’t be able to push through the most stressful times.

Other than that, the ability to stay cool-headed during a crisis is crucial. When accidents involving the company occur, I have to face the media and the public. How do I handle all the pressure?

I transform the crisis into an opportunity.

The inevitable media coverage is overwhelming. But the way I see it, it is a chance for me to boost the image of our company. Nothing can change the fact that an accident has happened. What we can do though, is do our best to prevent similar hazards from happening again. After all, it is how the company handles the situation that matters. It is a way to prove ourselves to the public. When the public sees that we have paid our effort, their confidence in our team will also increase!

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Is there a habit that significantly improved your life?

Only through reading can you obtain extensive knowledge.

I don’t particularly read management books. I believe for management, it’s about application rather than reading from the textbooks. Management doesn’t have a rule as such, it’s a skill obtained. Journals about history and art give me great pleasure, as the knowledge absorbed could be applied to my job.

I have to say people nowadays are not reading enough. Back when I was a student, my teacher forced us to read. We had to present our book report before the whole class. Despite it being quite harsh, it allowed me to gather insights on various topics, which ignited my passion towards reading. And it still affects me to this day.

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If there’s a lesson unrelated to your profession, what would you teach?

Philosophy. It helps you unwind and gives you a new perspective, by pondering about life and our relationship with the surroundings. We often stress or get frustrated over the tiniest matters. However, when we get to think about those troubles on the scale of our universe, we realize our problems are barely of any significance! It lets go of your worries!

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What is an action you want us to take away from meeting you tonight?

Everyone should bear a dream.

Ask yourself, what do you want to do in 5 years?

This is an important question, especially for university students. Graduation is going to happen sooner or later.

When I conduct interviews, one question that I always ask is “Which position do you aim for in this company?” In my opinion, the best answer is, “ I want to be the Managing Director.” Because why not? I like ambitious people, they’re ready for challenges. If you really want it, then you should strive for it. There is no reason to give up!

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Thank you Alfred for donating dinner and raising 150 volunteer hours to HandsOn Hong Kong, Scout Association of Hong Kong, HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre and more!

These awesome photos are brought to you by Sham from KaChick — a marketplace where you can book a photographer anywhere, anytime, for anything!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/turning-crises-into-opportunities-dinner-with-alfred-chan-managing-director-of-the-hong-kong-and-dde7c94571ae

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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提到做義工,好多香港人第一時間諗到嘅可能係周末去老人院派飯盒、賣旗,又或者係去郊野公園執垃圾。呢類傳統義工活動確實係香港人最熟悉嘅形式。大家可能會覺得做義工一定要親身出動,要花時間同體力。仲有打工仔可能會諗,平時返工已經咁忙,邊有時間去做義工呢? 不過,你又有冇諗過喺網上做義工呢?而家科技咁發達,唔使親身出動都可以幫到人㗎。無論你係冇時間、唔方便親身出動,定係想試下新嘢,網上義工都啱晒你。呢種新興嘅遙距義工形式打破咗好多人對義工嘅固有印象。佢唔單止更加方便靈活,仲可以配合每個人嘅專長同興趣。就算你喺屋企,都可以為社會出一分力。 今次同大家介紹吓3大網上義工服務種類,等你都可以喺網上出一分力! 1.網上陪伴同支援 喺呢個忙碌嘅社會,好多人都感到孤單同有壓力。透過網上平台,你可以為有需要嘅人提供情感支持同陪伴,等佢哋感受到被關心。呢類義工活動可以提升你嘅聆聽同溝通技巧,學識點樣同唔同背景嘅人相處。增強你嘅同理心,更加明白社會上唔同群體嘅需要。透過接觸到唔同類型嘅人同情況,除咗可以建立更強嘅耐性同包容心,更可以擴闊你嘅社交圈子,認識到一班有共同理念嘅朋友。 立即發掘! 2.數碼技能支援 呢個資訊爆炸嘅年代,好多慈善機構、NGO同受眾社群都要面對數碼化嘅挑戰。如果你有啲電腦技能嘅話,呢類義工活動就啱晒你喇!你唔單止可以幫到有需要嘅NGO,仲可以將你嘅專業技能用喺實際項目度,等你嘅經驗更加豐富。透過呢類義工活動,你仲可以擴闊你嘅專業網絡,認識更多同行、喺履歷表度加入有意義嘅項目經驗。 立即發掘! 3.網上教學同輔導 教育真係可以改變一個人嘅命運。透過網上平台,你可以將你嘅知識同經驗傳授俾有需要嘅人,尤其是小朋友、學生等,幫佢哋成長。更可以增強你嘅耐性同同理心,學識點樣因材施教。提升你嘅表達能力,學識點樣將複雜嘅概念簡單化! 立即發掘! Time Auction 技能義工配對平台 Time Auction提供多達30種技能、17個範疇嘅過濾選項,無論是遠程或實地。你都可以到網站瀏覽最新嘅活動機會,發掘更加多可以參與嘅義工工作,並且根據你嘅專長同興趣選擇最適合你嘅項目。 好多嘅義工活動只係需要花費半日嘅時間,就可以為NGO作出實質嘅貢獻,幫助佢哋更好地服務社會。快啲行動,發揮你嘅專長,加入義工行列啦! 一齊為社會出一分力!