From Sweeper to CEO — Dinner with Tom Mehrmann, Former CEO of Ocean Park

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Dinner with Tom at Ocean Park raised 258 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality and attitude behind their ventures and stories.

If you’ve been to Ocean Park for Halloween, chances are you’ve run into Tom. In full costume and make-up, Tom heads out with knee pads and sends sparks flying as he slides down slopes, frightening guests and his unknowing staff.

You’re hard-pressed to find a man more down-to-earth than Tom. Maybe this has to do with his origins: he started off his amusement park career as a sweeper at Knott’s Berry Farm. To this day, he still carries himself with the same humility. The first CEO to eat in the staff canteen at Ocean Park, he also personally handwrites thank you notes (and was once approached by a touched staff member who had carried his letter in her bag for 2 years).

Over dinner, Tom encouraged us to jump at opportunities and strive to be the best at whatever we do — whether that means making sure the streets we sweep are the cleanest, or that the team we lead is the strongest.

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What is your life motto?

“Control the controllable and keep things in perspective.

I would say that this is the first order of business for me. We only have limited energy and time, so we have to make sure that the methods, plans, and strategies we apply are effective.

We can’t control the weather. In this industry, the weather is so important; it can affect everything. But because we only have limited control, on days that are rainy or too hot, why not think: ‘Let’s make a rainy day program’ or ‘Let’s have water events to cool down.’”

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What is one habit that has significantly improved your life?

“Seek first to understand and then to be understood.

Also, try to make routines in life. I wake up at 5.30am every day. It’s amazing what a routine can do for your life. I wake up, exercise, eat breakfast and get myself prepared. I typically check my calendar, look over emails that came in from the evening before. I’ve always stayed in quite a regimen and tried to stay physically healthy and fit. I’m in a great business that lets me stay healthy. We walk miles and miles every day!”

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If you had to give a lesson, unrelated to your career, what would it be?

“I am an absolute enthusiast of basketball. I played it every hour and every day growing up. If I were ever presented with the opportunity to be a basketball coach, I would jump at it. For me, team sports are life sports, they teach people a lot about themselves and about how to function in teams, how to be effective in a team environment.”

If there was one action that you would want everyone to take home today, what would it be?

“Don’t get paralysis by analysis: don’t get so stuck analysing something that you miss an opportunity. If there’s an opportunity being presented to you, take it. I’ve always been a conservative individual, but I’ve never been afraid to take risks — calculated risks. So get yourself into a non-comfort zone. If you’re going to advance your career, it will be because you took a chance on something. That’s what I did in my life, an opportunity came, and I took it. I didn’t question it, I didn’t challenge it, I didn’t think of any reasons why I shouldn’t. I thought,

‘Someone had faith in me, so I’m going to apply myself and I’m going to be the best that I can be.’”

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Thank you Tom for donating dinner, and to everyone who volunteered and took part in raising 258 volunteer hours to The Home of Love, Hong Kong Rehabilitation Power, Plastic Free Seas, Hong Kong Red Cross and more!

For more opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors.

A few words from the volunteers:

Caelyn Wong

Hi Tom, thank you so much for spending your precious time with us! I’m really inspired by what you said and what you’ve accomplished. I will keep in mind your advice on taking chances and controlling the controllable, advice that is applicable to my leadership at school and in the future. I was so excited to be sitting next to you and you made a big impact on me as a caring leader. Thanks for creating my favorite theme park in Hong Kong!

Christy Chow

Hi Tom! I was really happy to have dinner with you and I learned a lot from you. What I remember most from the meeting was your advice to “Control the controllable.” I think this will be a good motto for me for my rest of the life. I also remembered that you said to “Grab the chance.” This inspired me to do more than I think I can and to try things I haven’t tried before. I hope to see you again in the future. Thank you so much for your precious time!

Karen Yau

After this meeting, I know much more about Ocean Park. I also learned about how to face difficulties and how to be a leader. A successful leader should remain young at heart, with curiosity and a sense of humor. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, and I hope that I can use your techniques to manage a team.

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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