Being a Good Listener in a Noisy World — Dinner with Jasper Tsang, Former President of the Legislative Council

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Dinner with Jasper raised 141 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

Former President of the Legislative Council Jasper Tsang has been deemed Hong Kong’s most intelligent politician and voted most popular lawmaker. But starting out as a secondary school teacher, he never envisioned himself plunging so deeply into the world of politics.

He only grew involved in the political scene after several encounters that hit close to home — eventually becoming a full-time politician in 1998. Since then, he always strives to safeguard Hong Kong’s core values and bridge the rift between Hong Kong and mainland China.

Though most known for his work at LegCo, the veteran politician was also actively involved in the preparatory work for setting up the Special Administrative Region. Additionally, he is the former chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB), an Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Social Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Convenor of the Hong Kong Vision Research Programme.

Over dinner, Jasper talked to us about being a good listener amid a world of thorny opinions and polarizing viewpoints.

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Thanks for the support from Deliveroo, Watami Japanese Casual Restaurant & Eaton Club!

What is your philosophy in life?

When I was young, I assumed that everyone had to have a high and noble ambition. But after decades of life experience and witnessing great changes in the world, I’m partial towards a simpler view now.

As long as we are living in this world, we should strive to make a positive impact on those around us, and in our context. At the very least, don’t do harm to your surroundings — don’t damage the environment and don’t hurt others. If you are person with noble ambitions, but is generally disliked by the people around you, you won’t earn my trust or favour.

You have to start by doing good in your daily life and immediate context — concrete things that are in your control, before you talk of high ambitions.

Your keen participation in volunteerism is actually a great life attitude. I believe that Hong Kong’s society depends on it. Despite the problems we have in the system, the government, what continues to hold our society together is the humanity that we carry inside of us.

What leadership quality has been the most valuable to you?

One quality I have is that I’m a good listener. It isn’t easy. Last year, in a discussion panel I attended, a Professor from the UK pointed out how all of the leadership training programmes she’s been to only teaches people how to talk, but not to listen.

In our day and age, what’s most important is not knowing how to talk, but knowing how to listen.

I asked the Professor, “You’re saying this metaphorically, right? Surely, you don’t mean we should start organizing leadership training programmes teaching people how to listen.” She replied that she truly meant what she said.

There are not many people who genuinely know how to listen — it’s difficult. Some people you talk to appear to be listening to you, but the moment you talk a little longer, you realize that they are not actually giving ear to you. I know how to listen to others, and that’s why people enjoy talking to me.

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What advice do you have for University students?

Everyone should be aware of their strengths and limitations. It’s especially important for university students to know that having true wisdom comes from knowing oneself.

If you overestimate your abilities, you will fail to execute the task at hand. But there are also those who are not aware of their strengths — likely a result of the education system that doesn’t allow enough opportunities for people to develop their potentials. These undeveloped potentials are often wasted.

That’s why it’s important to be self-aware — so that you can discover your strengths and your weaknesses.

What do you wish for us to take away from this meeting today?

I know that all of you did volunteer work in order to attend this meeting. I hope that after tonight’s meeting, at the very least, you won’t think that your efforts were in vain. Hopefully, it has encouraged you to do even more voluntary work, and grasp more opportunities to converse with different people.


Thank you Jasper for raising 141 volunteer hours to to Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, ImpactHK and more!

Big thanks to our food sponsors Deliveroo & Watami Japanese Casual Restaurant and our venue sponsor Eaton Club!

These awesome photos are brought to you by William from KaChick — a marketplace where you can book a photographer anywhere, anytime, for anything!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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