Annual Report Translator

Translate our Annual Report from Chinese to English

Annual Report Translator

Posted over 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Translate our Annual Report content from Chinese into English
  • Finish translation within 1.5 months (by early November)
  • The report will be around 100 pages (inclusive of pages with just photos and financial reports), we are looking for 2 translators (each work on 50 pages)

Hong Chi will publish its Annual Report 2021/22 in the end of November. Due to manpower shortage and the urgent timeline, we need help on the translation task in order to meet the production timeline.

What we have

Staff from Communications Department will work closely with the volunteer. Our staff will write the Chinese content and assist the volunteer in the English translation.

Why this is important

An annual report is a comprehensive report detailing Hong Chi's activities and works through out the preceding year. Its purpose is to provide our donors. corporate partners, supporters and beneficiaries with information about Hong Chi's operations and achievement. This demonstrate how the support and donation from donors has helped to change the lives of those having intellectual disabilities and their families, which encouage them to support Hong Chi continuously.

Project Period

12 Sep 2022 - 04 Nov 2022





5 hours per week

  • Copywriting
  • Translation
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Chinese Traditional
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Hong Chi Association


What we do

Hong Chi is dedicated to quality service in educating, training and empowering people with intellectual disabilities and their families and to improve services on a continuous basis. We have 100 service centers and schools now. We believe… - That people with intellectual disabilities have the same rights, freedoms and responsibilities as other members of the community. - That they should be given every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, socially, spiritually and emotionally. - That they should be encouraged and helped to participate fully in family and community life. - That all forms of discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities should not be tolerated. We will… - Listen to the needs and wishes of people with intellectual disabilities and their families. - Develop them to their fullest potential through training, education and employment and assist them to live as independently as possible. - Advocate for changes at the local and regional levels for people with intellectual disabilities. - Promote understanding and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities.

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