Magazine/Newsletter Designer

Help us create our bi-monthly magazine template which is easy and simple for us to replicate and use regularly

Magazine/Newsletter Designer
Community Development

Posted over 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30-min call to learn more about our objective for the Magazine(newsletter), target audience and our desired design style
  • Create a new design mood board and the first magazine template by May
  • Design magazine template which is convenient for us to quickly create on our own magazine the future
  • Suggest free online photo library and design elements

We used to design newsletter as communicating channel to our members promoting our activities. As we recently decided to write up more health and social articles and share to members and wish to deliver and engage with people in the neighborhood, we plan to revamp the newsletter to causal magazine putting in surrounding area. Unfortunately, our staff do not have the specialized skill of designing visually attractive magazine.

What we have

Branding guidelines and past newsletter examples will be provided. Reference we have found will do too.

Why this is important

We wish to have an on-brand causal magazine template which is easy for us to put in our programs, impact and stories. This can help us engage our members, surrounding neighbours and communicate our impact across.

Project Period

10 Apr 2022 - 30 Apr 2022





5 hours per week

  • Brand Asset Design
  • Design
  • Photo Editing
  • Print Design
  • Booklet Design
  • Adobe Creative Suite
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.

About the Organization

Health In Action


Community Development
What we do

醫護行者於2011年成立,是香港註冊非牟利組織。我們的願景是人人健康的社會,我們深信所有人都具擁有健康的基本權利,不受種族、宗教、性別或政治因素左右。 我們致力以「服務、研究、提倡、培育」的循環模式在香港推動健康公平。我們主要服務群體包括葵青區在職低收入家庭、少數族裔和難民。醫護行者是香港社會服務聯會成員,亦獲得聯合國經濟社會理事會特殊諮詢地位。 我們希望透過提倡健康公平以達致社會公義。健康人權包括身體、精神和社交層面的健康。除了涵蓋衛生服務以外, 我們所出生、成長、工作、生活、老邁的環境與條件也息息相關, 我們稱之為「健康的社會決定因素」。 透過接觸香港的弱勢社群,我們明白要讓每一個人獲得健康,解決健康的社會決定因素攸關重要。現時,我們的服務對象在達致健康生活面臨重重困難。我們誠意邀請有志宣揚社會公義和健康的人士或及團體與我們合作並交流意見,為達致人人健康的願景而努力。

Magazine/Newsletter Designer

5 hours per week, 21 days

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