Swire Trust

Go-Givers Program 

A program that encourages and rewards exceptional volunteers who are making a meaningful impact for Swire Trust NGO Partners who are advancing causes such as education, marine conservation and arts!
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Sponsored By

The Swire Group Charitable Trust

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected each year as our "Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year". As a Go-Giver, you'll receive special rewards and recognition for your impactful work. We also honor the top 40 volunteers who contribute the most hours each year! 

The three causes supported align with Swire Trust’s mission to create positive and long-lasting changes to the community.

Causes Supported


Marine Conservation


Volunteer Now
  • Announcement of all 50 extraordinary awardees, thoughtfully selected by Swire Trust, Time Auction & NGOs!

  • Discover incredible volunteering stories and celebrate our collective impact!

  • Experience the magic of volunteering. Apply for projects and take action!

  • NGOs can nominate skilled volunteer role models who have gone the extra mile. Who will be our Go-Givers?

Our Rewards

Our incredible sponsors are making a big impact in encouraging volunteerism. Start volunteering to unlock amazing experiences and rewards. Stay tuned for more experiences coming soon!

Volunteer Now

Other Sponsors

In the Media

(星島日報報道)太古基金TrustTomorrow夥拍及贊助Time Auction推出Swire Trust Go-Givers Program,專為太古基金支持及推薦的慈善機構進行技能義工配對。義工參與計畫後,可獲太古集團認可經驗,並可以其義工時數換取太古集團安排的各種體驗,以作獎勵。今年更首推Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year,按義工的投入程度、個人成長、付出程度和是否能樹立技術型義工服務的模範四方面選出十位優秀義工。
太古集團公益事務總監陳婷婷 細說慈善基金資助工作
若有一個職位的主要職責是「派錢」,你會否覺得這是絕世筍工?作為太古集團公益事務總監的陳婷婷(Tina),聽到記者說世界上最好的工作後,明言:「我好開心!」 談及這個題目,她至少連說了3次「開心」。 陳婷婷已有逾10年從事慈善基金的工作經驗,有家族企業的,也有商業機構的,而她在太古工作了3年多。
Time Auction線上義工配對 推義工普及化
踏入共享經濟的新時代,如打工仔想做義工,除以傳統渠道直接聯絡相關機構外,也可以透過網上平台,與慈善機構進行輕鬆配對,尋找適合的義務工作,慈善機構 Time Auction 推出技能義工配對平台,助慈善團體及非牟利機構尋找不同技能的義工,在現今新冠疫情下,仍能推動義工普及化,締造共贏局面。

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