6 volunteer hours required
34 available
This is part of the Culture series.
兌換 The Aromas of Tango 演出門票,《The Aromas of Tango》是由口琴演奏家和作曲家何卓彥(Cy Leo)策劃的現代融合音樂項目,融合現代探戈、探戈爵士融合和新古典音樂元素,其中包括了Astor Piazzolla、Hernan Valencia和Cy Leo自己的作品。
時間:8:00 pm
地點:香港大會堂 音樂廳
除了演奏Astor Piazzolla的經典作品(主要取自專輯《Zero Hour》)和Hernan Valencia的創新探戈融合作品外,Cy Leo還創作了一系列受葡萄酒迷人特質啟發的室內樂作品。音樂會將有7位音樂家加入與Cy Leo以不同的形式演出。
Redeem a ticket of The Aromas of Tango. The Aromas of Tango is a modern fusion project led by harmonicist and composer Cy Leo. It incorporates modern tango, tango jazz fusion,...
6 volunteer hours must be completed during 30 May 2023 to 11 Jun 2024.
Special thanks to Music Lab for donating the experience!
6 volunteer hours required
34 available
This reward requires 6 volunteer hours, and you don't have sufficient volunteer hours in your account.
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on May 30, 2024
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