12 volunteer hours required
Unavailable - No spots left
This is part of the Culture series.
兌換白繣工作室 bara atelier 的歐式浮雕動物畫繪畫體驗,照著石膏板上充滿細節的雕刻紋路, 自由發揮創意, 按個人喜好塗上色彩,簡單完成一幅古典精緻的畫作擺設 (尺寸:約18x22cm)。
日期:自行預約 (體驗可選時段 - 星期一至五11am/2pm/5pm或 星期六11am)
時長:3 小時 (體驗的基本時限為3小時,若超時製作,需額外收取加鐘費用)
12 volunteer hours must be completed during 22 Jun 2023 to 22 Aug 2023.
Special thanks to 白繣工作室 bara atelier for donating the experience!
12 volunteer hours required
Unavailable - No spots left
This reward requires 12 volunteer hours, and you don't have sufficient volunteer hours in your account.
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jun 21, 2023
Time Auction is a charity that advocates volunteerism. We encourage volunteering with inspiring experiences, while connecting skilled-volunteers with NGOs.
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