This experience has ended.

Donated by Inglorious Grapplers

巴西柔術體驗班 with Inglorious Grapplers

5 volunteer hours required

8 available

Focusing on embodying the idea of training with everyone in order to reach our full potential.

This is part of the Wellness series.

兌換Inglorious Grapplers的BJJ課堂 ,即巴西柔術是一種注重壓制和降服技的武術,體驗地面格鬥技。

時間:7 - 8 pm

。熱身練習 (warm-up)
。技術指導 (technique)
。動作訓練 (skills training)
。搏擊對練 (sparring)

Terms and Conditions

  • 圖片只供參考。
  • 體驗只供年滿12歲或以上的義工兌換。
  • 體驗一經兌換,即被視為最後決定,不得修改、退回、取消或交換。
  • 體驗僅供個人使用,嚴禁轉讓或出售。
  • 如因參與任何活動而導致的任何損傷及損失,Time Auction均不會負責。
  • Time Auction對是次活動擁有修改、變更或取消之權利。
  • 如有任何爭議,Time Auction 保留對所有事宜的最終決定權。
  • Time Auction臨時取消或缺席條款,以及其他條款及細則適用。


5 volunteer hours must be completed during 23 Mar 2022 to 15 Apr 2023.


Special thanks to Inglorious Grapplers for donating the experience!

Donated by Inglorious Grapplers

巴西柔術體驗班 with Inglorious Grapplers

5 volunteer hours required

8 available

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Woah there!

This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Mar 23, 2023


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