The Billion Dollar Mindset — Jim Thompson, Founder of Crown Worldwide Group

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The rel="noopener nofollow">Time Auction, a platform connecting you with inspiring people while encouraging volunteerism.
The volunteers would like to say..
Rain Huang Yun, Inter-dealer CNH Broker
Thanks for your time and sharing Jim ! I feel so lucky to have joined HKUST business school and got this chance to meet you. I appreciate your values a lot and I share the same ones. And your views about the opportunities in Hong kong and Mainland China made me more confident and proud to live and work here. What a wonderful evening! Wish you all the best!
Chris Masters, HKUST Student
Thank you James for your time and for sharing your insights. You are so inspirational and yet so humble at the same time!
Teresa Chan, HKUST Student in Biotechnology and Business
It’s quite a shame that we didn’t get much time for personal mingling, though no words can explain how honoured I am to be meeting so great a person such as yourself. As a biotechnology and business student, there are simply too many possibilities where my career leads. But I’m sure the integrity you passed on to us youngsters are received with great heed. Thank you again for spending your valuable time with us, and a toast to your good health.
Denis Moldovean, City University Student in Finance
Dear James, You are a great speaker and you manage to inspire people! I appreciated you investing all of yourself into all the questions, I even noticed that you haven’t eaten anything. Hope to meet you some time again in the future in a less time-constrained environment. All the best!
Jenian Tai, Investment Analyst
Jim, you are inspirational, energetic and talkative. Besides push up and mahjong, ping me if you like to play table tennis. I was ex Hong Kong team. Cheers!
Peggy Tse, Banker and Social Entrepreneur
Hi Jim, I wanted to thank you again for the precious advice and perspectives you shared with us on Thursday. I am particularly impressed by your vision on the technological transformation of Crown going forward. Your story of being a global citizen in the modern world has reaffirmed my pursuits of making this world a better place. I will continue to dedicate more time and effort in causes I strongly believe in such as gender equality and global health development. Hope to have another round of intellectual discussion with you on the future of Hong Kong! Wish you a healthy and fruitful year ahead.
Oma Yu, Registered Nurse
Hi Mr Thompson! This is Oma who thinking of migration. Thank you very much for the dinner and the time you spent with us. I wish we could have more time to hear your sharing and advices. Wish you stay healthy and happy lunar new year.
This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: