How to Get Started as a Skilled Volunteer


We hear you’re interested in donating your skills and time to a non-profit! While volunteering has obvious personal benefits and there are tons of projects available on our own matching platform, we know that going into your first volunteer position can be daunting. 

But not to worry!  Here are a few tips on getting the most out of your very first volunteer experience.

Find a Cause You’re Passionate About

If you’re looking to maximize your impact as a volunteer, it is crucial that you find an organization that supports a cause you truly care about. Think about your personal experiences and your values, and do research on the different causes you’re attracted to. 

Finding the right match will keep you motivated in the long run and compel you to do your best work!

Identify Your Goals

Volunteering should not be completely selfless. While you’re helping others, you should also be able to enjoy and learn from your experience. Choose a program that aligns with your specific interests and that will benefit you in the long term.


What are your career goals? What skills do you have that you’d like to develop further? What industries or topics are you interested in learning more about? Ask yourself what exactly do you want out of your experience and make the most out of it!

Learn All You Can About the Role

After shortlisting the volunteer opportunities you’re interested in, don’t be afraid to get in touch with the organizations and ask questions—whether it’s about the position, the organization, or who you could be working with. 

Treat it almost like any other job interview, because at the end of the day, you will both be looking for a great match. If you feel you’re not qualified for the job, don’t be afraid to ask for a change in role or look for another volunteering opportunity.

Choose Your Projects Carefully


You should be comfortable with your job and organization. When starting out, it’s best to choose a project that offers a low time commitment and flexibility. This will allow you to figure out how you can best fit volunteering into your existing schedule, and whether you are actually interested in the cause or position you signed up for. 

Getting into a high-commitment project only to find out you can’t deliver is not a great experience for everyone involved. Only sign up for projects you are 100% sure you can complete.

Act Professionally

Once you’ve accepted a volunteer position, show up to your volunteering opportunity prepared, focused and committed to your task. Non-profits depend on volunteers to complete their tasks efficiently and at a high level, so they can continue serving their communities effectively. Who knows, your contributions might even be able to 2x, 3x or 4x their impact!

Have Fun!


The best experiences benefit both the volunteer and the organisation. Have fun and learn from the opportunity—One day you’ll love back and be proud of your growth and the goals you’ve achieved!

Take a quick scroll on our website ( to discover a range of skills-based volunteering opportunities ranging from 7 hours to 2 years long! If you are part of a non-profit organisation, we welcome you to post a project on our platform to find the right volunteer to further your cause.

Written by Mia Pao | Edited by Kristeen Romero

Updated on 9 March, 2022
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你對「做義工」嘅認識有幾多?好多人都未必熟悉除咗賣旗籌款同探訪老人院之外,仲有咩其他類型嘅義工服務。究竟坊間有邊啲做義工嘅途徑,可以搵到適合自己嘅義工機會呢? 其實香港大大小小嘅慈善團體或非牟利機構  (NGO) 都會招募義工,而非牟利機構嘅義工服務範疇亦非常多元化,包括技能義工 (Skilled-volunteers),善用義工嘅個人技能同專長服務社會。你可以根據唔同嘅服務種類,或者按自己嘅喜好、關心嘅社會議題選擇義工機會。以下係5種常見嘅義工服務範疇同機構簡介畀你參考: 目錄 (一):動物福利 (二):長者服務 (三):青年發展 (四):環境保護 (五):社區服務 技能義工配對平台推介 常見嘅義工服務範疇(一):動物福利 如果你係狗奴、貓奴,或者鍾意動物,不妨考慮做動物義工!除咗有機會親身接觸毛孩之外,仲可以利用自己嘅一技之長,支援NGO嘅日常運作。雖然根據政府公佈的數據,動物棄養嘅數量有持續下降趨勢,但因近年的移民潮影響,保護動物慈善協會表示棄養寵物個案兩年升近三倍。因此,很多關注動物福利的團體都十分需要義工加入服務行列。 義工服務性質:清潔籠舍、照顧動物、活動推廣等 香港動物基金 Hong Kong Paws Foundation 香港動物基金係一間完全依靠慈善捐款同義工支持嘅動物福祉組織,希望拯救被虐待、遺棄同走失嘅動物。 香港愛護動物協會 SPCA (HK) 香港愛護動物協會係本港首間兼顧動物福利各方面嘅慈善團體,提倡善待動物,同時打擊同防止虐待動物。 Bring Me Home (Suppaw) Bring Me Home (Suppaw) 係一個寵物社交網站,亦係香港首個無償動物領養平台。 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden 嘉道理農場暨植物園為需要支持的農民提供農業援助,幫助他們過上獨立嘅生活; 並為公眾提供休閒同教育體驗。  Team for Animals in Lantau South (TAILS) 南大嶼山動物保護隊為有需要的貓狗提供救援、醫療、絕育、養育、庇護、寄養同領養服務,包括那些 流浪、被遺棄、受傷、虐待同忽視既貓狗,大力提倡動物福利,相信教育可以創造有利於香港動物嘅變革。 立即發掘更多! 常見嘅義工服務範疇(二):長者服務 隨著香港長者人口上升,越來越多關注老人家嘅機構都招募緊義工,希望為老友記送上更多關懷。 義工服務性質:家居維修、網頁設計、文字翻譯等 […]
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【香港義工配對平台】一分鐘內了解Time Auction 係咩嚟
咁多個香港義工配對平台之中,你有冇聽過Time Auction 呢?以下係關於Time Auction 嘅常見問題,俾你可以一分鐘內了解Time Auction 係咩嚟: (一)Time Auction係咩嚟? Time Auction 係一個香港義工配對平台,中文譯名係「時間拍賣」,顧名思義,義工喺平台上面參加義工活動後,可以用自己嘅義工時數(Volunteer hour)兌換獎勵。 (二)Time Auction同一般義工配對平台有咩分別? Time Auction 平台上面嘅義工服務以技能義工(Skilled-volunteers)服務為主。技能義工會運用個人技能同專長,為非牟利組織(NGO)提供專業嘅義工服務。呢類義工服務好多都可以遠程(Remote working)完成,義工可以靈活安排自己嘅工作時間同工作地點,換取義工時數。 (三)賺義工時數有啲咩好處? 喺Time Auction上面,累積一定義工時數後可以兌換不同種類嘅獎賞。義工可以選擇同社會各界嘅專業人士會面或飯聚,交流工作經驗同人生價值,從佢地身上學習成功嘅秘訣;Time Auction亦會定期更新唔同嘅文化或健康相關嘅體驗活動,義工可以參加自己感興趣嘅活動,增值自己。 以往Time Auction曾邀請前財政司司長曾俊華、歌手鄭秀文等社會名人出席義工聚餐;亦曾經舉辦過抽獎,俾義工用義工時數抽韓國人氣女團Blackpink嘅演唱會飛,獎賞種類非常多元。 【探索獎賞】 (四)點解會成立Time Auction? Time Auction 喺2014年成立,2017年註冊成為慈善機構。創辦人發現香港人做義工嘅比例低於其他國際城市,於是萌生用義工時數換獎賞嘅諗法,希望鼓勵更多香港市民用空餘時間做義工,令NGO得到自己需要嘅技能支援嘅同時,義工又可以兌換自己想要嘅活動獎勵,達致雙嬴局面。 (五)Time Auction上面有咩義工活動? Time Auction 上面70%嘅義工專案係線上或遙距可以完成。義工種類涵蓋辦公室技能支援(如平面設計、文案寫作)、現場活動技能支援(如活動攝影、活動協調員)、專業建議和諮詢(如商業諮詢、法律意見諮詢)等。 (六)點樣搵義工服務? 喺Time Auction平台上,義工可以選擇服務範疇、擅長技能、服務所需時數等篩選條件,搜尋到最符合專長嘅義工服務。 如果唔想自己搜尋咁麻煩,Time Auction 定期有電郵(Email)通知義工最新嘅義工招募項目,義工可以根據分類一次過瀏覽同自己專業技能(Professions)相關嘅項目。義工亦可以瀏覽Time Auction 嘅Instagram同LinkedIn帳戶了解每星期精選嘅義工招募項目。 【探索義工機會】 (七)點樣註冊成為Time Auction 義工? Time Auction嘅義工註冊步驟非常簡單,新用戶只要喺Time Auction 網頁用Facebook、LinkedIn或電郵地址就可以註冊,註冊後即時可以喺每星期100+項義工服務中搵最啱你心水嘅服務去申請! 【立即申請】
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