Creating Your Own Measurement of Success — Dinner with Y K Pang, Deputy Managing Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited

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Dinner with Y.K. Pang has raised 105 volunteer hours!

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

Jardine Matheson’s Deputy Manging Director Y.K. Pang is a man who can juggle it all. On top of working in a top leadership position where he oversees multiple subsidiaries of the Group (including Hongkong Land, Dairy Farm, and Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group), he is active in public service and makes time for date night with his wife every Friday.

For the seasoned businessman, it’s worth devoting time to the causes that matter — even if it means sacrificing several hours of sleep. Mr. Pang is eager to give back to society and extend the reach of his aid to the many lives around him through public service. He is Vice Patron of the Community Chest of Hong Kong, Chairman of the HKSAR Government Advisory Committee on Gifted Education, and more. In recognition of his distinguished contributions, he has previously been awarded the esteemed Gold Bauhinia Star and The Silver Bauhinia Star.

Over dinner, Mr. Pang spoke to us about putting down society’s rigid measurements of success and learning to lead a purposeful life.

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What is your life motto?

My life motto is described in the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People — and that is to begin with the end in mind.

If you could be at your own funeral and see what people say about you, what would you want them to say?

Live according to how you would like people to describe you at your funeral. I hope to lead my life in a way that is purposeful — one that can touch other peoples’ lives and give them help along the way.

What is one habit that has significantly improved your life?

One of the most important things is getting along with people. If you live your life in fights and conflicts, whether it’s with your family, friends, business partners or co-workers, then you will always be in a state of tension and competition.

But if you can get along with the people in your personal ecosystem, it would reduce a lot of anguish and tense energy. It’ll make you a better person.

So definitely win friends and be happy.

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What advice would you give to a young, driven college graduate?

I think young college graduates should understand that the older people also have something to contribute. A lot of them have a great deal of impatience.

They should also focus on accumulating life experiences and not be too preoccupied thinking about what they want to do next year or the year after.

Just enjoy the journey. Enjoy life, and learn to pick up experiences along the way.

More importantly, learn to pick up friends and new knowledge. If you do so and work hard, then the world truly is your oyster.

Is there an advice they should ignore?

Something they should ignore is the saying that you’re a failure if you don’t buy a home, be a CEO, or accumulate a certain amount of wealth by a certain time in your life. This kind of talk is very wrong.

There are many roads to success and many ways of measuring success.

Find one that fits you and don’t use other people’s way of measuring success to measure your own because everyone is different.

What do you want everyone to take away after meeting you today?

Always be grateful for what you have rather than be unhappy over what you don’t. Use that spirit of gratefulness to keep on serving those in your community who truly need your help.

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Thank you Mr. Pang for raising 105 volunteer hours to HandsOn Hong Kong, Voltra and more!

These awesome photos are brought to you by Sean from KaChick — a marketplace where you can book a photographer anywhere, anytime, for anything!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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