Community Spotlight: Jasy Chan, Commercial Banker


Curious about what volunteerism and Time Auction events are all about? Meet our community who has shared their memorable experiences in their volunteering journey and meetings with our featured guests!

Meet Jasy Chan!

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(Left) Lunch with Teresa Ko, China Chairman of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP in May 2019 (Right) Lunch with Leong, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club in Jun 2019

Jasy works in the commercial banking industry and started volunteering at a young age, flag-selling and taking care of stray animals. At university, she started to visit elderly homes, organize activities at the senior center and distribute lunch boxes for the homeless. She worked closely with Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui and Hong Kong Methodist Church.

Jasy’s most memorable volunteer experience

Jasy’s most memorable experience was meeting an elderly family of three sisters who moved home to take care of their mother until she passed away. Jasy was touched by their close bond when she heard they rarely argued and lived harmoniously under the same roof. While she was at their house, she installed light sensors to help them navigate their hallway at night.

Another memory that came to mind was Jasy’s interaction with a mentally unstable homeless man. While she was distributing lunch boxes, the man was yelling a lot and Jasy almost skipped him, fearing for her safety. She felt ashamed for thinking that since he clearly needed help and she got the courage to hand him his meal. She never realized how many homeless people there are before this experience, as she thought there were enough resources for everyone in Hong Kong.

Through volunteering, Jasy found she was no different than anyone else and that “we are all born equal.” It is only at this moment, she’s fortunate enough to have the opportunity and capacity to give back to others.

“Give more, when you have more.”

Jasy’s goal is to help the oppressed who were born under unfortunate circumstances. More specifically, through platforms such as Hands On Hong Kong, she wants to continue helping refugees and women get back into society through English classes and other means.

Jasy thinks that the root problem for seniors in Hong Kong is that they feel useless and unable to contribute. Society should give them confidence, encourage them to act, help them expand their social circle so they won’t be trapped in their own way of thinking.

What Jasy learned from Time Auction events

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Jasy chose to attend events with mentors from many fields, including NGOs to gain insight into their field.

One of the most memorable Time Auction events she attended was with Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities and Community of The Hong Kong Jockey Club. She learnt that in order to help others, you need to put your trust in them first. Another takeaway from Mr. Cheung was to “help people moderately, to the extent they are able to help themselves.”

From Vicky Lau, Head Chef & Owner of Tate Dining Room & Bar, it was the first time for Jasy to hear “one should not only respect the customers but the food as well.” Hence, food waste was one of the topics discussed at the event.

Jasy was able to keep in touch with her new friends from the Time Auction events and volunteer with them.

Jasy’s Life Philosophy

Jasy shared how important it was to have faith, the belief in your heart will materialize if you believe hard enough and that one should have a pure heart behind every action.

She hopes that in the end she will be remembered as a person who walked alongside those in their darkest times.

Thanks Jasy for volunteering 148 hours to charities and joining 13 Time Auction experiences!

To see our upcoming experiences, head over to the Time Auction website!

Interviewed & written by Isaac Chang| Edited by Fleur Hui

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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