Lunch with Sally, Founder of Hong Kong Dog Rescue

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Visiting the HKDR Center at Ap Lei Chau

It was an insightful and cheery Thai lunch with Sally Andersen, who founded Hong Kong Dog Rescue and has helped saved the lives of countless abandoned dogs in Hong Kong.

We sat down and chatted with Sally as she shared her life journey in Hong Kong, arriving here 31 years ago as a traveler and then starting her own business dealing with New Age practices. “I was interested in it and wanted to learn more” recounted Sally when describing her New Age business experience. She later sold the business, and went on to launch Hong Kong Dog Rescue, taking in rescued and abandoned dogs that would otherwise be put down at the government kennels.

“It started out by accident”

says Sally as she recapped the beginnings of Hong Kong Dog Rescue, detailing how her visit to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conversation Department (AFCD) kennel and the government’s “Catch and Kill” policy on strays compelled her to take action. Listening to Sally’s mission to save and rescue dogs, she reminded us that every dog rescued brings her unexplainable joy and that the process is always very emotional. Despite the lack of government support, the organisation has grown organically with the help of volunteers and staff, relying on donations and fundraisers to help sustain its operations.

Sally also shared her fascinating experience and observations living with over 200 dogs in her home on Lamma Island. Shortly after the lunch, we visited the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre where we got to interact and play with the rescued dogs.

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Thank you Sally for your time and the tour to the Ap Lei Chau Homing Centre. The lunch has raised over 50 volunteer hours to St James’ Settlement, Louis Mak Charitable Foundation, Tung Wah Group of Hospital, Hands On Hong Kong, and more.

By Edmund Kua, HKU Time Auction Ambassador

For more auctions, visit, a platform that connects with you the most inspiring people in Hong Kong while encouraging volunteerism.

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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