How an Engineer Found Her Way to Journalism — Lunch with Adele Wong, Founder and Publisher of The Loop HK

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Lunch with Adele has raised 70 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

If there’s anyone who knows about career transition, it’s Adele. As the founder and publisher of the online lifestyle website The Loop HK, who would’ve thought she started out as an Industrial Engineer?

Born in Hong Kong and raised in Toronto, Adele worked in international corporations, like Kraft Foods and Goldman Sachs, until she decided to join the media industry — beginning as a journalist at the Hong Kong Standard and The Peak Hong Kong.

She rose to prominence thanks to her role as resident dining columnist at HK magazine and ultimately started her own publishing company, Man Mo Media, which later branched out to The Loop HK.

Over lunch, Adele shared with us her mindset on navigating through various career paths, and her experience on job changes.

What’s your major life motto?

I’ve been through so many career transitions. I have learnt that

whatever path you take, there are no right or wrong paths.

There’s no need to doubt yourself. You have to be confident that no matter which direction you choose, it will take you further in life. Don’t look back and don’t regret! This attitude doesn’t only apply to one’s career, but also all facets of life!

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Could you share a habit that changed your life?

One thing that really makes me stick to my goals, is to tell everyone about them. You need that little bit of that peer pressure to keep you going.

Don’t be afraid to share your aspirations with others.

Your friends can give you a little kick when you’re losing motivation. It’s that extra incentive that makes all the difference!

In terms of personal goals or milestones, consider writing a bucket list. Share it with your close friends or family. On my list, one of the items is to write a novel. When you make that goal known to others, you will feel the responsibility to make it happen. I guess if you keep it to yourself, it takes a much stronger will power to accomplish.

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What do you want us to takeaway from meeting you today?

Don’t over analyze your situation. If you find something that you want, go ahead, give it a try! For my case, I love playing the piano. It’s fascinating how each chord brings out a different emotion. I even taught piano back in the days just because I enjoyed it so much!

Remember to say “yes” more.

It’s no matter of life and death. Failure doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger! You never know, saying “yes” could bring you to places you’ve never before imagined yourself being!

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Thank you Adele for raising 70 volunteer hours to Lifelong Animal Protection Charity, Community Business and more!

BIG thank you to our sponsors XTC Gelato & Deliveroo for the delicious gelato and also our venue partner the study!

These awesome photos are brought to you by Harris Cheng from Freehunter — an online marketplace for reaching freelancing talents in Hong Kong!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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