Social Media Coordinator

Create 2-3 social media posts per week on Facebook and Instagram and help with other minor ad hoc tasks

Social Media Coordinator
Mental Health

Posted almost 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • We will need help with setting up an IG account
  • Create 2-3 social media posts on Facebook and Instagram every week
  • Assist with searching for new social media platforms or other channels that could help us reach our two main groups of target audiences: (1) SEN and ASD families and (2) SEN and ASD individuals who may need counselling or psychology-related services

We are launching a service related to psychology, counselling and human. 2 new projects for persons challenged SEN and ASD will be launched in July, a series of service will be developed from May to June. Therefore, we need a creative and energetic volunteer keen on digital marketing with related skills & interest to promote the said projects.

What we have

We will provide the necessary project information and organization background and help for the design job.

Why this is important

The SEN and ASD projects can help Unique Development Centre to increase the pubic awareness for the needs of SEN and ASD and arouse the thinking and reflection among the community stakeholders during their participation in the services.

Project Period

20 May 2021 - 30 Jun 2021



Honorarium available upon completion



5 hours per week

  • Content Creation
  • Social Media
  • Social Media Pages Set Up
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English

About the Organization

Unique Development Centre 銳領潛能發展中心


Mental Health
What we do

簡介 本中心相信每一個人都是獨特且有其價值,故此亦會因應各參加者的需要而運用適切的理論,例如:個人中心治療、心理分析治療、認知行為治療、尋求解決方法治療、遊戲治療、沙盤遊戲治療、身心語言程式學、社交思考等等 根據人本主義心理學家羅哲斯(Carl Rogers)提出的「個人中心治療」(Person-Centered Therapy)及「自我理論」(Self Theory),每個人都是獨特而可信,擁有不同的潛能,並且在自我覺察(Self-awareness)後,有能力去決定和改善自己的生活,亦能理解及解決困難並自我成長。 機構宗旨 啟發個人潛能,活出豐盛人生; 提倡家庭共振,譜出生活歡欣。 機構目標 -找出個人獨有的龥匙,開啟心靈之門。 -指導及協助父母了解子女需要及親職藝術。 -撫慰父母的心,並注入新的力量。 -提倡家庭調和,建立和諧關係。

Social Media Coordinator

5 hours per week, 1 month

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