Business Development/ Financial Advisor

Help us with financial advising and refine our investment deck

Business Development/ Financial Advisor

Posted over 1 year ago. Application closes in over 1 year.

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Project Details

What we need
  • Meet with our team 2 hours per week to review and discuss updates
  • Review and analyze financial data and strategies to identify opportunities for growth and new funding sources
  • Evaluate and analyze potential investments and make recommendations to management
  • Work closely with Brand Designer to develop a strong presentation and pitch deck
  • Looking for English-speaking volunteers

We would like to have a financial expert go through our numbers together to create an impactful story to tell our potential investors through our investment deck.

What we have

We can provide the initial numbers as well as our current pitch deck to get started on this project.

Why this is important

This would really help us to explain our story in a financial terms to the investors, hence allowing us to paint a picture of growth for the company long term. As we are a student start-up company, we are looking for valuable advice for further growth in a financial sense.

Project Period

03 May 2023 - 03 Jun 2023


Remote, Hong Kong

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



20 hours in total

  • 4 May 3PM-5PM
  • Financial Analysis
  • Finance
  • Management Consulting
  • Financial Accounting
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Seekr Technologies Limited


What we do

Seeker Technologies is an early stage AI startup under Hong Kong Science and Technology Park with a vision to provide tech solutions. We are a young and vibrant team that wants to decentralise and streamline the user interaction journey with intuitively designed products through AI.

Business Development/ Finan...

20 hours in total, 1 month

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