Event Videographer (24 Sep)

Help us to take videos and edit them for our salon event in Mid-Levels Central

Event Videographer (24 Sep)
Animal Welfare

Posted about 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join our online meeting before the event for preparation
  • Join our private salon event on 24 Sep (6:30pm-11:00pm) in Mid-Levels Central and take videos during the event
  • Edit a 1 min event recap video
  • Edit a 1 min event recap/highlights video

We have a small and intimate fund-raising event at a private estate in Central. It will be half a day event with drinks and dinner, and a musical performance for guests to fund-raise.

What we have

We can provide a tripod and camera, as we're not a professional team of videographer, we encourage you to bring your own equipment if possible. Otherwise, we can bring our equipment as well.

Why this is important

Fund-raising events are vital to our survival as we have no income from hosing events for schools (for free), so we'd need help to produce quality videos so we can build a better brand and create content that can be interested to our potential donors.

Project Period

24 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022


15 Conduit Road, Central

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



8 hours in total

  • Video Post-Production
  • Videography
  • Video Editing
  • Video Production
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • English
Age Range

Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.

About the Organization




Animal Welfare
What we do

LumiVoce.org is a Hong Kong public charity. It was founded in Hong Kong in 2016 by Dr. Ying Ying Liu. It aims to shed light (Lumi) on the plight of the world’s wildlife, whose survival is under threat due to human activities, and to give a voice (Voce) to these endangered species. The charity uses music and the arts to educate and inspire people, especially the next generation, to become mindful of their impact on the planet and to actively create a sustainable world for future generations and all living things.

Event Videographer (24 Sep)

8 hours in total, 7 days

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