Brand Template Designer

Help us create trendy, powerful presentation slides templates to enhance our brand image

Brand Template Designer
Community Development

Posted about 1 year ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30 minutes call to learn more about our objectives, expectations on the creative direction and our organization
  • Create slides templates based on current theme graphic and the guidelines provided
  • Design slide templates with trendy text fonts, text colors, icons, layouts...etc.
  • We are open to Canva, Powerpoint, or any other simple design tools for developing the deck, welcome any creativity input!

We would like to prepare a slide template for our staffs which could assist them to make a trendy, easy to understand, and powerful presentation.

What we have

Branding guidelines and the content will be provided.

Why this is important

This will allow us to build up our corporate image so we can continue to advocate our mission. Having branded templates will also help our service teams work more efficiently and enhance our brand image to be more professional.

Project Period

01 Jul 2023 - 31 Jul 2023





4 hours per week

  • Brand Asset Design
  • Brand Development
  • Graphic Design
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Chinese Traditional
  • English
Age Range

Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.

About the Organization

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council


Community Development
What we do

Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council (the Welfare Council) has been providing multifaceted services to individuals across all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds in line with its service philosophy, “Personalised Service, Holistic Care”, to “Transform Lives” so they may be “Lived in Abundance”. With over 200 service units and member agencies across the territory, in Macau and Guangzhou, the Welfare Council has established a comprehensive and close-knit service network.

Brand Template Designer

4 hours per week, 1 month

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