STEM Content Creator

Create STEM education content for our online learning platform

STEM Content Creator

Posted over 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join a 1 hour project briefing meeting/call
  • Create STEM experiment/activities content
  • Post content on SOLAB website
  • Check and answer student's questions on the website
  • We welcome all volunteers with or without STEM knowledge! Training/ Brainstorming sessions with our team is provided

SOLAB is a STEM online platform that allows you to explore, record and share your creations. It is an online community that brings together markers who are keen to share STEM knowledge and STEM topics. We are launching this project to gather more valuable content to teach students to continue to explore the significance of STEM at home.

What we have

STEM content creation direction and brief will be provided. If volunteers have previous experience in explaining science, basic robotics, maths and other STEM-related topics, we will invite the volunteers to take the lead to create the content. If the volunteers are new to STEM, HKCIN will provide prelim ideas for volunteers to create.

Why this is important

Since SOLAB is a non-profit and made-for-all education platform, HKCIN believes that bringing free STEM education with quality will bridge the educational disparity among Hong Kong students.

Project Period

30 Aug 2022 - 30 Nov 2022



Honorarium available upon completion



8 hours per month

  • Content Creation
  • STEM
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese Traditional
Age Range

Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.

About the Organization

Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation 童享慈善基金會


What we do

Hong Kong Children in Need Foundation (HKCIN) envisages a society where every child is offered the opportunity to embark on diverse learning experiences beyond classrooms regardless of socio-economic status. Furnishing indigent kindergarten and primary school students with exposure to free play, music, sports, arts, and STEM, we are determined to create an ideal and all-round environment for them to flourish and unleash their full potential as successful adults in the future. 我們認為每個孩子,不論其家庭的社經地位,都應享有機會在課堂以外接受全人教育。我們致力為有需要的幼稚園和小學學生提供自由遊戲、音樂、體育、藝術和STEM方面的教育,並為他們建立理想的全方位學習環境,讓他們充份發揮自己的天賦潛能,將來貢獻社會。

STEM Content Creator

8 hours per month, 3 months

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