Bread Run Coordinator 麵包收集義工

Help us to collect rescued bread from a pick up point to our centre (every FRIDAY commitment) 協助我們從收集點收集麵包,運送到中心

Bread Run Coordinator 麵包收集義工
Community Development

Posted 3 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Help collect bread in big bags from a pick up point in Causeway Bay at 9:30-10pm 逢星期五9:30-10pm,協助我們從銅鑼灣收集點收集大袋麵包
  • Drop it off at the Charity's HQ in Tsim Sha Tsui 將麵包運送到尖沙咀的慈善機構總部

We require volunteers to help pick up collected bread from “Breadline” collection point located in Causeway Bay every Friday 我們需要義工,逢星期五協助從銅鑼灣的"Breadline"收集點收集麵包。

What we have

We will provide our own bags to help collect the bread. The collected bread will then need to be dropped off at our NGO headquarters located in Tsim Sha Tsui. 我們可以提供袋子予義工收集麵包,義工需將麵包送到位於尖沙咀的機構總部。

Why this is important

This project will ease the pressure of the Hanuman team to collect around 200-300 bread every Friday after rushing from their Charity walk. These collected bread will be then donated to our regular beneficiaries which are homeless and those that live under the poverty line. Hanuman團隊每逢星期五會舉行慈善步行,收集200-300個麵包。收集得來的麵包將捐贈予我們的受助人士,包括無家可歸者及生活在貧窮線以下的人士。

Project Period

23 Jul 2024 - 30 Sep 2024


Causeway Bay 銅鑼灣

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



1 hour per week

  • Engagement
  • Event Support
  • Project Coordination
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

No age requirement

About the Organization

Hanuman Charity


Community Development
What we do

A Hong Kong Based NGO Making Positive Changes for the Underprivileged in Hong Kong

Bread Run Coordinator 麵包收集義工

1 hours per week, 2 months

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