Hong Kong
A Hong Kong Based NGO Making Positive Changes for the Underprivileged in Hong Kong
Hanuman Charity
1h per week, 22 days
Bread Run Coordinator
1h per week, 7 months
Driver (Sunday) 司機義工
1h per week, 8 months
Bread Run Coordinator (Male Volunteer) 麵包收集義工(男性義工)
1h per week, about 1 month
Bread Run Coordinator 麵包收集義工
1h in total, 26 days
Graphic Designer
2h in total, 23 days
Event Photographer
10h in total, 8 days
Website Designer for Go Daddy Redesign
1h per week, 2 months
1h per week, 3 months
Friday Bread Run Coordinator 星期五麵包收集義工
Monday Bread Run Coordinator 星期一麵包收集義工
7h per week, 24 days
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