Video Editor

Edit educational videos (6-7 mins each)

Video Editor

Posted almost 4 years ago. Application closed.

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Project Details

What we need
  • Edit educational videos using software like iMovie or similar applications
  • Produce end product in MP4 format

Cultivate reading habits in children is not an easy task. At Books & Beyond, we provide different programs at different stages to reinforce their reading habits.

What we have

We have already had audio soundtracks and images available for editing.

Why this is important

Many of us want to see children reading more. It remains a big challenge for both parents and teachers. At B&B, we build children's habits of reading English stories by using videos to intrigue their interests.

Project Period

01 Jul 2021 - 01 Sep 2021





30 hours in total

  • Video Editing
  • Video Production
  • English
Age Range

Swire Trust Go-Givers Program aims to encourage skilled volunteers to support Swire Trust NGO partners in education, marine conservation, and arts.

From now until 2025, 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year" with special and empowering rewards. 40 volunteers who contribute the highest number of hours annually will also be recognised! Meet our previous Go-Givers here and view the rewards here.

About the Organization

Books and Beyond Reading Club


What we do

Books & Beyond Reading Club is a Hong Kong-based organization providing free innovative English learning programs for students of lesser means. By focusing on social-emotional learning, we nurture reading, writing & listening skills as well as self-identity and self-confidence, providing our students with the tools to succeed in and out of the classroom.

Video Editor

30 hours in total, 2 months

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