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Donated by ClimateXArt

重新細看宮崎駿的 Planet Earth - 音樂會 with ClimateXArt (COP28特別場 3月16日 4:30 PM)

3 volunteer hours required

1 available

Immerse in Miyazaki's renowned film scores and engaging climate change discussions. Don't miss out on this unique blend of music, art, and climate activism!

This is part of the Culture series.

兌換由ClimateXArt所主辦的重新細看宮崎駿的 Planet Earth - 音樂會 with ClimateXArt (COP28特別場 3月16日 4:30 PM) 門票。 “重新細看宮崎駿音樂會” 小提琴獨奏會 🎻 會演繹多首大家熟悉嘅宮崎駿電影音樂🎵,亦都會有生動有趣嘅講解同Climategraphy嘅藝術作品,了解氣候變化議題 ,一齊探討可以點樣為地球出力,拯救我哋自己嘅Planet Earth。🔎

Annabelle 會重點分享COP28 嘅經歷及議題,亦都會以宮崎駿的音樂分享氣候變化相關議題。🌍

日期:2024年3月16日 (星期六)
時間:下午 4:30 - 下午 5:30
對象:歡迎一家大細 / 對氣候變化或COP28感興趣人士
地點:觀塘 Sky Music Studio

Annabelle Ho 曾受邀在COP28 United Nation Resilience Frontier 、Entertainment and Culture Pavilion 及Children and Youth Pavilion 舉辦佢自己設計嘅”重新細看宮崎駿音樂會”,今次依場COP28 特別場真係不容錯過!

🎻小提琴:Annabelle Ho
🎹 鋼琴:Hui Lok Mang

Terms and Conditions

  • Reward photos are for reference only.
  • We kindly request that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the start time to fully enjoy the experience.
  • Once the reward redemption has been placed, the redemption will be considered final for the volunteer’s own personal use only and cannot be amended, returned, transferred, resold, exchanged or...


3 volunteer hours must be completed during 7 Mar 2023 to 13 Mar 2024.


Special thanks to ClimateXArt for donating the experience!

Donated by ClimateXArt

重新細看宮崎駿的 Planet Earth - 音樂會 with ClimateXArt (COP28特別場 3月16日 4:30 PM)

3 volunteer hours required

1 available

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This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Mar 07, 2024


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