Mentor and facilitate students on their startup pitch deck development on 16-17 April (10am-6pm)
The YFS Startup Bootcamp is an intensive and immersive program for students to experience what it means to be a startup founder. Throughout the 2-day weekend program, students will learn how to work with their team and put together a startup project with a pitch deck that they will pitch to the investors (judges) to get support. Our participants are high school students aged 11-18 mainly from Hong Kong, Singapore, India, and Asian countries.
During the Bootcamp, we will use Calendly to allow students to book a mentorship session with the mentors. A guide will be provided on how to set up a Calendly link.
Instead of learning from the textbook theories of developing a business, we want students to learn from a real business professional or a startup founder to get hands-on knowledge on how to start up a business. Students will be able to look up to the mentor as a role model or inspiration for their future aspirations.
16 Apr 2022 - 17 Apr 2022
一共 6 小時
Young Founders School is an EdTech charity on a mission to make entrepreneurship education accessible to all secondary school students. We provide courses and internship opportunities to nurture leadership, digital and future-ready skills in students.
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