This is part of the 文化體驗 series.
兌換二回的Shikainami竹藝製作班,感受來自日本竹藝的細緻美學和豐富歷史。日語Shikainami,日本稱它為四海波花籠 ,相傳是來自一首民謠,意指風平浪靜,太平盛世。透過竹制工藝的極簡編法,參與者能夠在過程中透過「想法」及「心」而達到放鬆、平靜、自我療癒的效果,更能對使用者傳達祝願。
時間:2 - 4 pm
地點:K11 ATELIER King's Road(鰂魚涌英皇道728號,港鐵鰂魚涌站C出口)
必須在5 Oct 2021至10 Oct 2022期間完成8個義工時數。
Special thanks to Yiwooo for donating the experience, and K11 ATELIER for sponsoring the venue!
Embrace the calming power of woodworking, where slow breaths and mindful craft converge in serene tranquility. 🌿
Embrace the calming power of woodworking, where slow breaths and mindful craft converge in serene tranquility. 🌿
Unleash your inner warrior to learn a highly effective self-defense technique that develops mental focus, physical strength, and discipline!
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Sep 15, 2022
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