This is part of the 文化體驗 series.
兌換阿門的初階原子筆畫班,學習用坊間平凡的工具 — 原子筆,畫出細緻線條作品!課程會教導原子筆的運用及起稿方法,並完成一幅寫實作品。工作坊無需繪畫經驗,只要一支原子筆就已經可以體會到創作的樂趣,讓你感受看似單調平凡的原子筆也能層出不窮。
時間:3 - 5 pm
地點:the Hive Wan Chai(灣仔謝斐道盧押道23號The Phoenix 21樓 )
必須在28 Jul 2021至24 Jul 2022期間完成8個義工時數。
Special thanks to 阿門 for donating the experience , and the Hive Wan Chai for sponsoring the venue!
Embrace the calming power of woodworking, where slow breaths and mindful craft converge in serene tranquility. 🌿
A not-to-be-missed annual tradition for many, and a time for everyone to create new wonderful memories!
Experience thrills and laughs at Gandeys Circus, under the Big Top at AIA Carnival!
Handcraft your own unique phone straps with recycled cotton cords through the timeless art of Macramé!
Brace yourself to have your funny bone tickled at the live stand-up comedy shows by Backstage Comedy!
Embrace the calming power of woodworking, where slow breaths and mindful craft converge in serene tranquility. 🌿
A not-to-be-missed annual tradition for many, and a time for everyone to create new wonderful memories!
Experience thrills and laughs at Gandeys Circus, under the Big Top at AIA Carnival!
Handcraft your own unique phone straps with recycled cotton cords through the timeless art of Macramé!
Brace yourself to have your funny bone tickled at the live stand-up comedy shows by Backstage Comedy!
Unleash your inner warrior to learn a highly effective self-defense technique that develops mental focus, physical strength, and discipline!
This experience has not started yet :) It will start on Jul 07, 2022
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