Call Sessions

Call With Experts

Got questions or challenges, and uncertain who to turn to?

Apply to call sessions donated by volunteers who are experts in a topic - From Fundraising, digital marketing to PR & communication, the session will help you gain powerful insights and drive better decisions.

Call With Experts

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Volunteer Experience Evaluation and Enhancement

Review & Feedback


John L.

Manpower Supply Chain Management Consultant at LSL Manpower Services Limited

John L.

The Volunteer Life Cycle tracks the entire journey a volunteer goes through with an organization.

Volunteer Life Cycle consists of 7 stages - Attract, Assess, Hire, Onboard, Engage, Retain, and Offboard. Each stage has its own goals, processes, and metrics. Effective management of all stages is considered a crucial function because it deals with one of the important resources a social enterprise and non-profit organization requires to achieve economic and social values.

HOW ARE YOU DOING? I can help you evaluate and improve the volunteer experience at each stage of the life cycle.

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Salesforce and CRM



Cyrus C.

Cyrus C.

In this call, we can explore:

  • How to design your Salesforce
  • What to look out when integrating 
  • Tips on implementating Salesforce/ CRM, integration, licensing
  • What are the CRM options
  • What do you need to consider when choosing CRM for your organisation

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ESG/ Sustainability from a Corporate Perspective



Emily N.

Senior Manager, ESG at ANTA Sports Products Limited

Emily N.

With 8 years of experience in the ESG industry, I can share insights from the corporate perspective on ESG, such as:

  • ESG/sustainability consulting and strategy
  • Roadmaps for environmental, social and governance aspects 
  • Best examples from other corporates 
  • ESG communication 
  • ESG reporting and other disclosures. 


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Social Project / Program Impact Evaluation

Review & Feedback


John L.

Manpower Supply Chain Management Consultant at LSL Manpower Services Limited

John L.

Kirkpatrick Model is a widely used tool for evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of a human relations program. It is commonly used in learning and development practice. Indeed, it is equally powerful to assess the design and execution of a social project. I can help you develop a process with KIRKPATRICK MODEL to measure your social project/program's impact and evaluate it against expectations and promises and discover opportunities for growth and alignment.

This is a discovery call with the purpose of determining and evaluating the impact measurement of your organisation. It also aims to gain a better understanding of your motivation and desire for the next phase of required work.

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Capacity Building Program Development


Program Development

Amanda T.

Program Manager at Time Auction

Amanda T.

Let's brainstorm ideas on curriculum development and impementing capacity building program! My experience range from leadership development, training workshop, seminar, to symposium. 

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[Co'asis] Proposal Development



Kun Man, Chris Y.

Director and Co-founder at SLCO Community Resources Limited

Kun Man, Chris Y.

With over 15 years of experience in development and management of various social innovation projects, specifically in the areas of disabilities and education, we can discuss the following:

  • Brainstorm on your project design
  • Develop a new proposal
  • Review and share feedback on your proposal and pitch deck
  • Review and share experience on managing the project.


NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.

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[Co'asis] Board Governance



Leontine C.

Leontine C.

I have experience working with social impact organizations on their governance issues. During this call, we can discuss the topics below, and more:

  1. How to build a relationship with your Board members.

  2. What are profiles of people that would make good Board members?

  3. How often should operations teams communicate with Board members?

  4. How can Board members help me in my daily work?

  5. Why do we need a Board?


NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.

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Service Quality of Your NGO/Social Enterprise



John L.

Manpower Supply Chain Management Consultant at LSL Manpower Services Limited

John L.

Service quality is the most critical success factor for business organizations, including nonprofits and social enterprises.  High service quality can positively affect the impact on user satisfaction and brand reputation.  

DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU ARE DOING? The management guru Peter Drucker said, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it.”  

I can help you to evaluate the FIVE dimensions of the famous Service Quality framework (SERVQUAL). 

Through SERVQUAL, you can measure user perception against expectations and what you promised. In addition, it allows your organization to reimage “Start | Continue | Stop” strategies to improve the perception of service quality.

This is a discovery call with the purpose of determining whether your organization's services align with your mission, intended impact, and beneficiary needs. It also aims to gain a better understanding of your motivation and desire for the next phase of required work.

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Succession and Advance Care Planning for Elderly



Kim C.

Legal Tech CEO at 安心三寶 AWEsum Care

Kim C.

  • NGOs can learn how to help elderly with Succession and Advance Care Planning
  • Open to potential collaboration on talks and witnessing days for elderly
  • Can offer NGOs 20 free AWEsum Care accounts to their staff to help elderly with their documents (e.g. Will, Enduring Power of Attorney and Advance Directive)

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[Co'asis] Artistic Experiences for Your Community or Team



Vivian S.

Vivian S.

I am an affiliate of Gowld Art Centre, a social enterprise that aims to bring arts closer to everyone in Hong Kong. We offer a wide range of services to non-profit organisations for internal (e.g. team-building and training) and external (e.g. stakeholder or community events or fundraising activities) engagements.

In this call, we can:

  • bounce off ideas on how to incorporate arts element into your program or projects
  • explore collaboration as collaborators or service partners
  • suggest ideas for your internal or external event (Just to be clear - this will NOT be a solicitation.)


NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.

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