As we strive to provide essential help and support to our service users, empowering them should be the ultimate goal.
I'm happy to share my practical experience in working with reporters and conducting impactful media interviews that empower featured individuals, and dive deeper into each of the crucial elements in this process and the strategies, include:
The shifting media landscape, with the growing divide between traditional printed media and emerging online platforms, adds an additional layer of complexity to this work. I also look forward to sharing and explore this important topic together.
*基於與香港媒體合作的經驗,將以廣東話進行分享交流 * Please note the Call will be conducted in Cantonese based the experience working with HK media.
NOTE: This Call is available to members of Co’asis only.
I am committed to gender equity work and have served in the field for over a decade. My passion lies in fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including service users, media partners, supporters, and artists. I believe that by facilitating better communication and building connections, we can create a stronger, more cohesive community.
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