Volunteer Programs in Sydney 2019


Time Auction is a charity that connects anyone with inspiring leaders while encouraging volunteerism. By volunteering 10 hours to any charity, one can join inspiring experiences — from dining with entrepreneurs to cooking with Michelin-starred chefs. Now in Sydney — here is a list of charities that you can volunteer at!

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Oxfam Trailwalker

Oxfam Trailwalker is a community event that brings people together from all walks of life. Oxfam works with local communities to help them create their own sustainable solutions to poverty. They host annual 100km trailwalking journeys, help dedicated volunteers to complete their 100km journey and raise life changing funds for the communities.

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SEEK Volunteer

SEEK Volunteer is Australia’s largest free online source of volunteer opportunities and is the preferred destination for those who want to volunteer. They help strengthen communities by enabling individuals and businesses to volunteer.

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The Centre for Volunteering

The Centre for Volunteering (The Centre) is the peak body in NSW promoting and supporting volunteering and community participation. Their Volunteer Referral Service is to assist not-for-profit organisations in finding suitable, high-quality volunteers.

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Our Big Kitchen

Our Big Kitchen (OBK) is a community run, non-denominational, industrial kitchen where meals are prepared for distribution to needy people across Sydney. OBK is Kosher and Halal certified, and HACCP approved. At OBK we offer a place for people to come together and cook for a good cause.


Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. We’re committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope. Our vision is for an Australia free of suicide.


Vollie is an online marketplace that connects skilled people to non-profits and charities for skills-based online volunteering. Vollie projects are exclusively online, meaning that people can donate their skills and experience from anywhere in the world, and around their busy personal and professional schedule.


From making unicorns fly, to sending kids to the moon, each child’s Wish Journey is carefully planned and delivered to create a positive, lasting impact. As a trusted children’s charity, Make-A-Wish relies on the generosity of donors, volunteers and business partners to bring children’s wishes to life.

Settlement Services International

SSI is a community organisation and social business that supports newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential. We work with all people who have experienced vulnerability, including refugees, people seeking asylum and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, to build capacity and enable them to overcome inequality.


With over 1500 volunteers across the country, OzHarvest is always on the lookout for passionate people to lend a hand. From helping at events, running market stalls, assisting in the vans, answering the phones, working with our chefs and corporate teams at a Cooking for a Cause session or even handpicking oranges at a local farm! The fun never ends once you don a yellow OzHarvest volunteer shirt, whatever you do you’ll be helping us to ‘nourish our country’.

Cana Communities

Cana Farm provides the opportunity for people to learn from each other and to recreate themselves. Cana Enterprises employs people who have lived on the margins and been severely disadvantaged. Cana Communities provides support and respite for those in need or at-risk by providing short to middle term accommodation.

Birds Of Passage

Birds Of Passage is a volunteer based charity helping Sydney’s homeless by providing food, clothes and wellbeing services. Our aim was to start a simple, zero overhead, volunteer-centric service assisting Sydney’s homeless, and more specifically the rough sleepers who are considered the most at-risk and vulnerable people in our community.

Online Volunteer Programs

You can support worthy causes at home too!

The Granny Cloud

Members of the Granny Cloud interact with groups of children, engaging them in conversation and in activities of various kinds, such as reading and telling stories, craft activities, solving puzzles and exploring big questions. The role of the Granny includes provoking curiosity, asking questions, listening attentively and providing warm encouragement.

Missing Maps

Each year, disasters around the world kill nearly 100,000 and affect or displace 200 million people. Many of the places where these disasters occur are literally ‘missing’ from any map and first responders lack the information to make valuable decisions regarding relief efforts. Missing Maps is an open, collaborative project in which you can help to map areas where humanitarian organisations are trying to meet the needs of vulnerable people.

Good things come to those who give.

Volunteer at any charity and join our inspiring experiences in Sydney!

For details, visit www.timeauction.org/sydney.

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/volunteer-programs-in-sydney-2019-a41260a66876

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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Volunteer Your Skills for Worthy Causes

Ever thought you could volunteer with your skills?

Discover volunteer projects where you can use your skills to support causes – all while building your resume, gaining references and making a difference!
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你對「做義工」嘅認識有幾多?好多人都未必熟悉除咗賣旗籌款同探訪老人院之外,仲有咩其他類型嘅義工服務。究竟坊間有邊啲做義工嘅途徑,可以搵到適合自己嘅義工機會呢? 其實香港大大小小嘅慈善團體或非牟利機構  (NGO) 都會招募義工,而非牟利機構嘅義工服務範疇亦非常多元化,包括技能義工 (Skilled-volunteers),善用義工嘅個人技能同專長服務社會。你可以根據唔同嘅服務種類,或者按自己嘅喜好、關心嘅社會議題選擇義工機會。以下係5種常見嘅義工服務範疇同機構簡介畀你參考: 目錄 (一):動物福利 (二):長者服務 (三):青年發展 (四):環境保護 (五):社區服務 技能義工配對平台推介 常見嘅義工服務範疇(一):動物福利 如果你係狗奴、貓奴,或者鍾意動物,不妨考慮做動物義工!除咗有機會親身接觸毛孩之外,仲可以利用自己嘅一技之長,支援NGO嘅日常運作。雖然根據政府公佈的數據,動物棄養嘅數量有持續下降趨勢,但因近年的移民潮影響,保護動物慈善協會表示棄養寵物個案兩年升近三倍。因此,很多關注動物福利的團體都十分需要義工加入服務行列。 義工服務性質:清潔籠舍、照顧動物、活動推廣等 香港動物基金 Hong Kong Paws Foundation 香港動物基金係一間完全依靠慈善捐款同義工支持嘅動物福祉組織,希望拯救被虐待、遺棄同走失嘅動物。 香港愛護動物協會 SPCA (HK) 香港愛護動物協會係本港首間兼顧動物福利各方面嘅慈善團體,提倡善待動物,同時打擊同防止虐待動物。 Bring Me Home (Suppaw) Bring Me Home (Suppaw) 係一個寵物社交網站,亦係香港首個無償動物領養平台。 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden 嘉道理農場暨植物園為需要支持的農民提供農業援助,幫助他們過上獨立嘅生活; 並為公眾提供休閒同教育體驗。  Team for Animals in Lantau South (TAILS) 南大嶼山動物保護隊為有需要的貓狗提供救援、醫療、絕育、養育、庇護、寄養同領養服務,包括那些 流浪、被遺棄、受傷、虐待同忽視既貓狗,大力提倡動物福利,相信教育可以創造有利於香港動物嘅變革。 立即發掘更多! 常見嘅義工服務範疇(二):長者服務 隨著香港長者人口上升,越來越多關注老人家嘅機構都招募緊義工,希望為老友記送上更多關懷。 義工服務性質:家居維修、網頁設計、文字翻譯等 […]
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