Mending holes in the Sham Shui Po neighbourhood— Lunch with Ming Gor (明哥), Owner of Pei Ho Counterparts (北河同行)

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Lunch with Ming Gor has raised 69 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

Best known for providing low-priced lunch boxes for Hong Kong’s grassroots, Ming Gor (明哥) of Pei Ho Counterparts calls himself the “wok-mender” of Sham Shui Po — the “wok” standing for the Sham Shui Po community.

Having arrived in Hong Kong as a stowaway in 1979, Ming Gor has always had a soft heart for helping the underprivileged in his neighbourhood. In 2008, the restaurant collaborated with Society for Community Organization (SoCO) to sell meals for a mere $5 — initially as a way to bring more business, but it eventually grew into a much larger effort.

Since then, in addition to providing meal coupons for low income families, they’ve expanded to distributing over 1,000 free boxed meals a week to the homeless, grassroots elderly and single-elderly in the Sham Shui Po and Yau Ma Tei districts. All this thanks to support from the Hong Kong community and the restaurant’s own profits.

We met with Ming Gor at his cozy restaurant where he served us lunch. There, we learned of his visions for a Hong Kong where everyone can be a giver.

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Is there a principal that you abide with?

My motto is “One for all and all for one”. Take the initiative to help others! You never know, a small act of kindness can go a long way.

Other than that, I insist on being politically and religiously neutral.

There should be no judgements.

I don’t care which party or religion you represent. As long as you step into this restaurant, you are my customer and I will do my best to serve you. If our society can learn to put aside our prejudices, it will be a much more peaceful place.

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What motivates you to keep running this restaurant?

After all these years of doing charity, I finally realise that huge profits were never destined for me. That’s because I’m such a softie. When I see the single-living elderlies, I can’t help but think to myself, “Who will care for them?” I just want to ensure they get enough food and are taken care of. That’s why I stand firm on keeping our prices low, so the less fortunate could afford them.

I don’t expect any rewards nor titles in return.

Everyone’s abilities vary, but when it comes to helping others, all that matters is a caring heart! I’ve always wanted to help people. This restaurant gave me the exact opportunity to do so. My job keeps me fulfilled and joyous. That’s all I need to keep myself going.

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What action do you want us to take away from meeting you today?

Never hold grudges against anyone. Learn to forgive.

There was this one time when I was going around under the flyovers, offering meal boxes to the homeless. One of them was mad about this and refused the offer, because he thought I was giving away leftovers. I explained to him our campaign but to no avail. He stood up and tried to fight me. Not wishing to get into any conflicts, I walked away and continued distributing the meal boxes to others.

I did not let his actions discourage me though. The other day, I went back to the same spot and again offered him food. He accepted it with gratitude.

The past dispute was forgotten, and we are on good terms till this day.

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How has this campaign changed you?

When I first started this business, I was 60. I turned 55 this year, and will be turing 54 the next. Charity work really makes a person younger. My work fills me with youthfulness and energy. As the Chinese saying goes,

“One is more blessed to give than to receive.”

One does not need all the wealth in the world to be happy. For me, living a simple life and the ability to care for others is all that I need.

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Thank you Ming Gor for donating his time and raising 69 volunteer hours to The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group, The Hub Hong Kong, Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong and more!

Big thanks to our photographer Tommy Ball from KaChick for the awesome photos!

For more amazing opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium:

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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