A Farm Visit with Cookbook Author Cathy Lee

It was a back to nature experience where we went to an organic farm called 我地農莊 in Yuen Long to experience the farm to table concept in HK!
Cathy Lee, cookbook author of “Your Vegan Friend” and founder of PubArt gallery became a vegetarian 8 years ago which has inspired her to publish her own book to share her vegetarian recipes. Since becoming a vegetarian, Cathy shared that her digestion system and skin has improved and most importantly, the discipline required for a healthy diet has helped strengthen her mental mind for the (sometimes) lonely entrepreneurial journey.

At 我地農莊, we were lucky to receive an educational tour by the farm’s owner 黃老板, who brought us around to pick freshly grown tomato, cabbage & cai xin for our lunch.
Although it was a very simple lunch, we truly enjoyed this rare farm to table experiences (especially in Hong Kong). By learning and understanding the story behind our food, we learn to appreciate more the end products at the table.
Thank you VegBo for arranging this visit to 我地農莊. VegBo is a voluntary organisation aimed at promoting vegetarian living with a wide range of vegetarian recipes. Thank you Cathy for your delicious cooking and genuine sharing. This lunch has indirectly contributed 39 volunteer hours to Kids4Kids, Hands On Hong Kong, Ecobus, Lasermeds & more.
Let’s hear it from our volunteers!
第一次在農場即摘即煮即食,感覺很有趣!非常感謝大廚Cathy,Time Auction同Vegbo舉辦這個活動!令我明白到素食不一定是油膩同味精(素雞素鵝素叉燒……)。素食可以是食素菜本身的美味!十分感謝你們啊!!
Ann Li:
Thanks Time auction, Vegbo and Ms. Cathy Lee for organizing this meaningful event! Apart from visiting the farm and cooking, I especially enjoyed the sharing session that we all shared how we feel about green living and art!! Thank you for the day!
I am amazed by the passion of my mentor being so determined to eat vegan. I learnt how to make salad dressing with basic non-processed seasoning. I am inspired to have a more organic meal. I feel not alone after meeting these friendly people who are also vegetarians.
This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://medium.com/time-auction/a-farm-visit-with-cookbook-author-cathy-lee-87f607187fb6