The Good Things About Doing Good Things | Riya Didwania, Swire Trust Go-Givers of 2022

Together with Time Auction, the Swire Trust Go-Givers Program encourages skilled volunteers for Swire Trust NGO partners from 2020 to 2022. 10 outstanding volunteers will be selected annually as the “Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year” with special rewards & recognition. Meet our 10 Go-Givers of 2022!

Riya Didwania Blogpost Image

Meet Riya

When Riya Didwania was a young girl living in India, she witnessed how the poor and disabled grappled with the harsh reality of life. While most children simply watched on the periphery, Riya rolled up her sleeves and took part to help. Following the footsteps of her grandfather, who donated food, her father, who donated money, and her mother, who donated skills, Riya decided to also donate what she had: her time. With hopes of helping deaf children by chatting with them in sign language, she was surprised to be greeted with the lovely bright smiles on their faces. At that exact moment, she vowed to embark on a life-long journey of volunteering.

Volunteering on an organic farm
Riya volunteering on an organic farm for cancer patients

A heart set out to do good

Today, Riya has grown from a young girl to a young professional. Specializing in product operations and research, she works in the booming city of Hong Kong after years of moving around the world. Having returned to Hong Kong in 2021, the first thing she wanted to do was to find volunteer opportunities, especially since she could now make long-term commitments.

Eager to learn more about her new home through volunteering, Riya asked about opportunities proactively. When she reached out to her colleagues and boss, they suggested Time Auction’s matching platform. Straightaway, she started applying to different volunteer opportunities on its user-friendly website. Although some were unsuccessful, as she did not speak Cantonese, Riya's strong determination to volunteer pushed her to keep trying until she found a suitable match.

Good done

Indeed, those who persist in doing good will be rewarded. Soon, she found an unbelievably tailor-made opportunity to work with the Zubin Foundation, an NGO focused on assisting ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. As an Employability Trainer, Riya would advise students who signed up for thematic counseling sessions on resume building, interview skills, office manners, public speaking, and time management.

When working with these students, Riya's Indian background was helpful in genuinely understanding the difficulties that her South-Asian students were facing. Sharing a common culture and speaking similar languages also enabled them to build a solid and genuine bond with each other quickly.

Volunteering with cow shelter 3
Riya volunteering with a cow shelter

Good received

Often, her fruitful mentorship would continue after the 30-minute appointment. Sometimes, students sign-up for another session with her again; other times, her students update her on their successful internship applications. For these underprivileged students, a quick chat with a tutor could make a huge difference. For Riya, it is incredibly satisfying to see that her volunteer work has positively impacted others' lives. 

Furthermore, she is pleased to have developed an excellent partnership with the Zubin Foundation, whose coordinator, Talha, entrusts Riya with last-minute student sign-ups and volunteer pull-outs, and describes Riya as “a wonderful volunteer to have”. 

Whether it is the students or the NGO workers, Riya feels fortunate to be connected with people she would not have encountered otherwise.

"One of the priceless benefits of volunteering is that it brought a lot of good people into my life," Riya reflected.

Good made easy

At the same time, Riya's experience proved that she could fulfill her hope to volunteer without having to sacrifice other aspects of her life. For example, she could select the counselling sessions that fitted around her work schedule and leisurely activities, and she could still volunteer even if she only had a short period of free time. Such a high degree of flexibility allows Riya to make all the little segments of unused time in her day meaningful and productive. 

Moreover, volunteering work that is conducted online, like this one, helps the volunteer save transportation time and makes it possible to continue even when the volunteer is not in Hong Kong, like Riya at the moment. With such great convenience, Riya thinks that “there is really no reason not to volunteer.”

Good to be continued

For Riya, receiving the Swire Trust Go-Givers of the Year award is undoubtedly an encouraging recognition for her hard work and motivates her to do even more volunteering in the future. While the incentives are attractive, Riya doesn't volunteer because of them. Instead, she is committed to volunteering because it can bring a lot of good things to you as well as others: “I realized that volunteering is a two-way street. Sometimes it feels like volunteering is just you giving back to society, but I realized that you learn so much in this whole process. You’re a different person once you do volunteering projects.”

Thank you so much to Riya for contributing 20 volunteer hours & beyond at the Zubin Foundation!

To see details of the Swire Trust Go-Givers Program and support their NGO partners, head over to Time Auction website.

Written by Margaret Ng, Volunteer Copywriter

Updated on 31 October, 2022
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你對「做義工」嘅認識有幾多?好多人都未必熟悉除咗賣旗籌款同探訪老人院之外,仲有咩其他類型嘅義工服務。究竟坊間有邊啲做義工嘅途徑,可以搵到適合自己嘅義工機會呢? 其實香港大大小小嘅慈善團體或非牟利機構  (NGO) 都會招募義工,而非牟利機構嘅義工服務範疇亦非常多元化,包括技能義工 (Skilled-volunteers),善用義工嘅個人技能同專長服務社會。你可以根據唔同嘅服務種類,或者按自己嘅喜好、關心嘅社會議題選擇義工機會。以下係5種常見嘅義工服務範疇同機構簡介畀你參考: 目錄 (一):動物福利 (二):長者服務 (三):青年發展 (四):環境保護 (五):社區服務 技能義工配對平台推介 常見嘅義工服務範疇(一):動物福利 如果你係狗奴、貓奴,或者鍾意動物,不妨考慮做動物義工!除咗有機會親身接觸毛孩之外,仲可以利用自己嘅一技之長,支援NGO嘅日常運作。雖然根據政府公佈的數據,動物棄養嘅數量有持續下降趨勢,但因近年的移民潮影響,保護動物慈善協會表示棄養寵物個案兩年升近三倍。因此,很多關注動物福利的團體都十分需要義工加入服務行列。 義工服務性質:清潔籠舍、照顧動物、活動推廣等 香港動物基金 Hong Kong Paws Foundation 香港動物基金係一間完全依靠慈善捐款同義工支持嘅動物福祉組織,希望拯救被虐待、遺棄同走失嘅動物。 香港愛護動物協會 SPCA (HK) 香港愛護動物協會係本港首間兼顧動物福利各方面嘅慈善團體,提倡善待動物,同時打擊同防止虐待動物。 Bring Me Home (Suppaw) Bring Me Home (Suppaw) 係一個寵物社交網站,亦係香港首個無償動物領養平台。 嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden 嘉道理農場暨植物園為需要支持的農民提供農業援助,幫助他們過上獨立嘅生活; 並為公眾提供休閒同教育體驗。  Team for Animals in Lantau South (TAILS) 南大嶼山動物保護隊為有需要的貓狗提供救援、醫療、絕育、養育、庇護、寄養同領養服務,包括那些 流浪、被遺棄、受傷、虐待同忽視既貓狗,大力提倡動物福利,相信教育可以創造有利於香港動物嘅變革。 立即發掘更多! 常見嘅義工服務範疇(二):長者服務 隨著香港長者人口上升,越來越多關注老人家嘅機構都招募緊義工,希望為老友記送上更多關懷。 義工服務性質:家居維修、網頁設計、文字翻譯等 […]
【想支持社區發展?】Time Auction搵到符合你專長嘅義工活動
喺以前讀書階段,可能你已經試過參與唔同義工服務,例如賣旗、老人院探訪等等⋯⋯但係,其實宜家嘅義工服務已經同以前好唔同!現時嘅義工活動多元化得嚟新穎有趣,甚至可以足不出戶坐係梳化,就做到技能義工(Skilled-volunteers),利用自己嘅專長同興趣貢獻社會。以下為大家介紹一下同社會發展 (Community Development)嘅非牟利機構(NGO),你可以了解一下佢哋嘅服務同理念,參與其中: Crossroads Foundation 國際十字路會 國際十字路盡其所能將需要幫助既人同能夠提供幫助嘅人聯繫起來,提供一個十字路口,從需求及供應鏈方面入手,致力解決全球性貧困問題。 Drink Without Waste 免「廢」暢飲 免「廢」暢飲喺一次性飲品包裝工作小組發起既倡議,由飲料製造商、進口商、廢物處理同回收商、公共機構、零售商同非政府機構所組織嘅聯盟。 致力將廢棄飲品包裝數量減少及支持推行「生產者責任制」。 Sons & Daughters Sons & Daughters組織致力幫助遭受性剝削既人士重新獲得愛、家庭同自由嘅生活。 ImpactHK 同路舍 同路舍向無家可歸人士提供直接的全面支持,幫助佢哋喺安全既屋企安頓下來,恢復身心健康,建立自尊,增加會資本並尋覓人生目標。 Branches of Hope 希望枝子 希望枝子為香港邊緣化及弱勢社群恢復尊嚴、正義和希望。致力通過關懷、賦權同社會改革為難民、尋求庇護者同人口販運倖存者喺社區地位帶來改變。  義工服務(一): 友師哥哥 / 姐姐(Mentor) 如果喺成長路上能夠遇上一個人,亦師亦友,對於個人發展同成長當然有極大幫助。成為友師哥哥或姐姐,每月只需同小四至中四嘅同學仔聯絡一次,傾下偈關心佢哋嘅現狀,有時開解下佢哋,分享生活上嘅點滴。聯絡方式不限,方便平時各位生活忙碌嘅大家,只需抽少少空餘時間關心一下有需要嘅同學仔,而且年齡經驗不限,想成為義工只要有心就可以! 【立即申請】 義工服務(二): 社交媒體撰稿員(Social Media Copywriter) 平時玩開Social Media嘅你,有無諗過影相、寫Caption、Copywriting同出Post,已經可以參與到義工服務?識得數碼營銷嘅你,只要有意學習或有一定Digital Marketing工作背景嘅朋友都可以申請,最重要係可以為社會精神健康問題發聲,出一分力。 義工主要工作包括:季度性支持NGO嘅Marketing團隊,每月撰寫3至4篇文案同唔同背景、經驗嘅人一齊工作,認識新朋友,而且每星期最少服務2小時就可以參與。想了解同學習Digital Marketing嘅朋友,不容錯過呢個義工機會啦! 【立即申請】 義工服務(三): 活動助理 / 活動攝影師(Event Assistant / Photographer) 專長係市場營銷(Marketing)、活動管理及公關(Event Management & PR)、創意媒體(Creative Media)嘅朋友,咁就可以留意一下有關活動助理 […]
【2024義工機會】點樣用你嘅專業技能實現你嘅目標 + 熱情
你有冇諗過,你可以善用你嘅專業知識同技能,幫助社會上有需要嘅人同組織?咁樣做唔單止可以貢獻社會,仲可以促進個人成長同埋發展?如果你都想一舉兩得,咁我哋誠意推薦你成為我地嘅技能義工! 目錄 (一)什麼是技能義工? (二)技能義工與一般傳統義工有什麼分別? (三)技能義工如何實現自己的目標和熱情? (四)技能義工如何促進個人成長? (五)香港義工配對平台推介 (一)什麼是技能義工? 技能義工(Skilled Volunteering)就係運用自己嘅專業知識同技能,為非牟利組織或社區提供支援同埋增值服務。例如,如果你係一個會計師,你可以為小型慈善機構提供財務管理同撰寫報告嘅服務;如果你係一個設計師,你可以為推廣環保嘅組織設計宣傳品同埋網站;如果你係一個老師,你可以為服務弱勢學生嘅計劃提供教學指導同埋培訓。 (二)技能義工與一般傳統義工有什麼分別? 技能義工同一般傳統義工最大嘅分別係,技能義工嘅活動形式、服務時間上較多元化同靈活自主。一般大眾所認識嘅義工服務,形式可能係需要義工抽空半日至一日時間,到達指定地點幫手,例如賣旗、海灘清潔、老人探訪等。但香港人普遍較忙,未必可以經常抽半日或一日時間做義工;所以技能義工嘅活動就相對靈活,很多時有電腦、不用現身就能幫上忙,例如翻譯、做報告等,可以自主安排午飯時間或周末做,彈性很大。 (三)技能義工如何實現自己的目標和熱情? 「目標」同「熱情」係兩個相關概念,但兩者並不相同。「目標」係你想要達到嘅具體而明確嘅結果;「熱情」係你對某件事情或某個領域有興趣甚至係鍾意嘅嗰種情感。目標可以幫助你制定計劃同埋行動步驟;熱情可以幫助你保持動力同埋享受過程。 做技能義工可以令你同時實現自己嘅目標同埋熱情。首先,做技能義工可以等你發揮自己嘅專業才能,並且睇到自己嘅服務對社會帶嚟嘅正面影響。咁樣可以增強你嘅自信心同埋成就感,你知道自己嘅付出係有意義同價值。其次,做技能義工可以俾你接觸到唔同嘅人同埋組織,學習新嘅知識同埋技能。咁樣可以拓闊你嘅視野同埋人脈,接觸更多嘅機遇同埋挑戰。最後,做技能義工可以幫你發掘自己嘅熱情同埋興趣,或者培養出新嘅熱情同埋興趣,令你更了解自己,並且揾到自己真正想做嘅事! (四)技能義工如何促進個人成長? 個人成長就係提升自己嘅各方面能力,發掘自己嘅潛能,過到自己想要嘅生活。 技能義工工作好多時係遙距工作(Remote Work),義工可以自行安排時間同計劃,呢種體驗有助你嘅個人成長: 你會更有動力,對時間安排更充實,幫人之餘令等你更有方向同埋目標感 增強組織力,幫自己培養更有秩序同埋健康嘅生活習慣 幫助增進情緒健康,建立更積極同埋快樂嘅態度人生觀  擴展社交技巧,拓闊社交圈子同增加溝通能力及升領導力 (五)香港義工配對平台推介 義工服務可以增值自己,學多樣技能,儲多啲經驗,更可以幫助好好咁應對未來嘅挑戰。同時又可以更了解自己嘅興趣同能力。如果你正考慮發掘自己未知嘅潛能,或者轉換自己嘅職業生涯,做義工可以為你提供一個好機會,畀你接觸到各種唔同嘅行業,搵到自己真正想要做嘅工作,實現你的目標和熱情。如果你正想搵義工機會,可以試用香港義工配對平台Time Auction! Time Auction喺2014年,致力推動義工文化。至今已為本地超過700+ NGO招募同配對技能義工,每個禮拜都有近100個義工服務等緊幫手!你可以喺平台上就自己關心嘅議題(例如:動機福利、環境保護、教育)同擅長嘅技能(例如:攝影、設計、活動策劃)篩選出合適嘅義工服務。超過70%嘅義工職位都可以遙距工作,冇固定地點同時間。即係話你每星期只需要抽幾個鐘,安坐家中就可以做義工。所有嘅義工服務更可以獲得義工時數,兌換獎賞體驗! 無論你係讀書定番工,喺Time Auction都可以搵到最啱自己嘅義工服務。 做義工可以幫人又可以換獎賞,即Click以下連結開始啦! 【探索Time Auction義工機會】
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