Empowerment through Design — Lunch with William To, Executive Director of PMQ

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Lunch with William raised 72 volunteer hours!

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career.

When we first think about PMQ or other creative spaces in Hong Kong, most would associate them with the keyword ‘art’. This was quickly rectified by William To, who described PMQ as a place for design entrepreneurs to flourish. Tenants would be nurtured inside their operational framework, provided with the tools and skills to succeed. But ultimately, it is their job to soar high and achieve new heights in their business.

As a veteran in the advertising industry in Hong Kong, he previously founded his own agency, helping clients to launch their brands and products. In 2005, he joined the Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) to work on flagship events such as Business of Design Week (BODW), Knowledge of Design Week (KODW) and Design for Asia Awards (DFAA 2006-­‐08). With the opportunity and experience he gained while working in HKDC, William inevitably joined PMQ in 2012.

As the Executive Director of PMQ 元創方, William frequently shares his expertise in marketing, creative development and cultural management with the public. By making PMQ the place to be for design lovers, the former Police Married Quarters has been given new life, deepening the city’s appreciation for culture, art and design. Talk about giving function to an abstract concept!

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Design to Educate

In recent years, William enriched his philosophy of creating change from the bottom-up by offering design education programs in summer. Mainly aimed at underprivileged children, he aims to develop an aesthetic eye for design from a young age. However, in response to giving a lesson unrelated to his career, William advised us not to believe 100% of what the internet dictates.

“We really need to have a critical mind to absorb, digest (information) and then form our own opinions”

From William’s perspective, self-enrichment through being inquisitive is part of the formula for success. An anecdote from William’s life comes from a book owned by a friend in Taiwan, which sparked his interest in Architecture. The book was about the renowned Japanese architect Taro Amano, and it inspired him to continue looking up different styles of architecture.

“Be continuously curious and have an open mind, especially in the field you are interested in. You never know what would inspire you and what you can learn from it.”

“I learnt about the most creative architects in the world”

Design your own ‘mini-break’

In tandem with his work in PMQ, William is also active in organizing large-scale events regarding the design industry. This precarious balance of dual responsibility is daunting to most people, but William takes it in stride by creating time for himself .

“(I) go away, get plane tickets and fly out to someplace nearby.”

When he feels unfocused or overwhelmed, William recognizes the importance of finding clarity and just chilling out. Blessed that he has the power and resources to drop everything and go somewhere else, seeing new things and changing his environment gives him the relaxation he needs .

Perhaps this is a mindset we can all adopt to curate our own ‘mini-break’. Maybe a staycation can harness our creative energy once again?

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Design for Good

Everyone has an item they treasure. Whether it’s of sentimental value or purely functional to the point of dependence, it should have positively affected your life at some point in time. William’s object is one that comes with his sincere recommendation.

For him, it’s a “remote and wireless back pain relief gadget.”

Don’t underestimate the Amazon product. As advertised, it does the trick with its lightweight and wireless design. Simply put, it affects the user’s senses and transmits feelings of relief, yet it is not seen by others. The sleek design allows us to find function in simplicity.

“It’s so portable I could bring it on my business trips that require long hours of walking and standing. It does wonders!!.”

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Thank you so much to William for raising 72 volunteer hours and all the volunteers who dedicated their hours for the greater good! We would also like to thank photographer Leo from Kachick and our venue sponsor The Hive Wan Chai!

To see our upcoming experiences, head over to the Time Auction website!

This article originally appeared on our blog on Medium: https://timeauction.medium.com/empowerment-through-design-lunch-with-william-to-executive-director-of-pmq-6365243d01d6

Updated on 8 April, 2021
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