By accepting the role, you perform all duties on a voluntary basis and you will not receive remuneration or payment for your work, other than reasonable reimbursement of expenses. This is not intended to be an employment or contractual relationship.
We ask that you to:
Your safety and the safety of everyone who is involved as part of the volunteer project is a priority.
As a volunteer, you have duties:
As a volunteer, the organization may provide you with reimbursement for any reasonable out-of-pocket expenses that you incur when performing authorised tasks associated with your role. Please check with the organization directly on their procedure and policy.
Upon completion and delivery of any completed work or product, you agree to transfer all title, rights, or ownership to the matched organization. If you wish to share the completed work or product on your profile, please ask the organization for permission as there may be confidentiality and privacy concerns.
You agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Conditions at Time Auction.
You agree that Time Auction can use your photos and written feedback for the project to share on our website and social media. Time Auction might use such material for marketing/promotion in the form of brochures/emails/on our website. Time Auction may also share the photos and materials with our partners and donors. All parties are not responsible for a claim arising towards that material/content/photos.
What type of account would you like to create?
Your organization uses SSO for Time Auction login.
Sign in with your workplace credentials.