Time Auction Reward Partner


Redeem rewards donated by Designerooms by volunteering at any nonprofit!

About the Reward Partner

Designerooms is a fashion creation platform, which offers a co-working space specifically for talents who would like to have their take on fashion design and manufacturing. Not only does it feature a collection of state-of-the-art machineries and tools to give your garments the professional finish, it also provides diversified experienced pattern makers, sewers and designers on-site to assist you along the way to solve any problems, thus enhancing productivity. What’s more, sample making and small batch manufacturing support is offered for your spectacular creation. Designerooms is also available for hiring to organise private functions and workshops.



Sewing Workshop at Designerooms (15 Oct)

Learn the fundamentals of sewing & create unique pieces from scratch with sewing machine!


10 volunteer hours to redeem

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