招募800名賣旗義工為機構的環保工作坊與綠色就業服務籌款 | Recruiting 800 volunteers to sell flag and raising funds for the environmental workshops and green employment services
珍古德協會(香港)為香港註冊慈善機構。本會由世界知名的動物行為學家、聯合國和平大使珍古德博士成立,並在全球超過30多個地區均有分會,如北京、英國、加拿大、新加坡等。本會致力培育及啟迪年輕人成為未來可持續發展的領袖,以推廣社會、環境和諧。自2002年成立以來,已為超過130間本地中、小學提供教樂並重的可持續發展教育活動。 The Jane Goodall Institute Hong Kong (JGIHK) is a registered charity organization in Hong Kong. It was founded by the world-renowned ethologist and United Nations Messenger of Peace, Dr. Jane Goodall, and has chapters in over 30 regions globally, including Beijing, the UK, Canada, and Singapore. We are dedicated to nurturing and inspiring young people to become future leaders in sustainable development, promoting social and environmental harmony. We have provided sustainable development education with enjoyment integration for over 130 local primary and secondary schools since JGIHK’s establishment in 2002.
為感謝各位賣旗日的義工的支持,完成街上賣旗活動,並到指定旗站交還旗袋後,義工均可獲贈小禮品及義工嘉許狀。 To express our gratitude for the support of all volunteers on Flag Day, those who complete the street flag sale activity and return the flag bags at designated collection points will receive a small gift and a volunteer certificate of appreciation.
是次賣旗日將為本會的環保工作坊與綠色就業服務籌款,讓有關活動持續發展,惠及更多學生、家庭及長者。 This Flag Day will raise funds for JGIHK’s environmental workshops and green employment services, enabling related activities to be sustainably developed and benefiting more students, families, and elderly.
01 Mar 2025 - 01 Mar 2025
HK Island
5 hours in total
Our mission is to empower urban youth to be The Leader of Sustainable Development We engage youth in achieving Sustainable Development Goals focusing on Climate Change Remediation, Plastic Pollution and Reduction Biodiversity Preservation in the ways of "Create Awareness", "Train the trainers" and “Network of Change”
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