Elderly Online Platform Advisor

Research and review elderly online platform plans and development

Elderly Online Platform Advisor
Community Development

Posted over 2 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join us for a 30-min meeting to understand our mission and project scope
  • The Jade Club will hold regular meetings to discuss the online platform "快樂之友" (https://happyfriends.com.hk/) development plans and strategies. (Frequency: 1-2 meetings per month, 1-2hours per meeting)
  • Work with The Jade Club team closely and provide consultations with our team with your advice of our online platform
  • Research and suggest ideas and solutions that could achieve our target

During the pandemic, some of the projects were moved online and the elderly were active in sharing their skills and lives to stay connected with the others in the digital world. We collaborate with different stakeholders to facilitate digital transformation.

What we have

The Jade Club will arrange a 30 mins Briefing Call with volunteers.

Why this is important

According to the Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong’s population of elderly aged 65 or above is about 1.5 million, accounting for 20% of the total population. The number will increase by another 550,000 in the next decade. However, the existing social resources are insufficient to meet the increasing needs. The Jade Club strives to pool social capital by connecting the social welfare and business sectors so as to co-create a new digital platform to fulfil the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the elderly in a post pandemic future.

Project Period

15 Nov 2022 - 31 Jan 2023





5 hours per month

  • Marketing Advisor
  • Research and Development
  • Strategy Consulting
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

The Jade Club



Community Development
What we do

Jade Club is a social enterprise, has been dedicated to improve the well-being of the elderly and to promote “Active, Happy & Socialized Ageing”. We devote ourselves to provide high quality, affordable and self-sustainable elderly care services through civic participation and innovative operational models. We are the platforms that provide innovative, fun and effective elderly program in both government subsidized NGOs and private elderly care providers.

Elderly Online Platform Adv...

5 hours per month, 3 months

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