Sort second hand clothes with Redress and learn about the environmental impacts of the fashion industry
義工內容:-管理環保回收站的運作及處理棄置物 (如 廚餘收集及隔渣、棄置物分類、打包及運送)-教育及確保公眾進行乾淨回收並正確分類回收物-2025年1月17日 (星期五) 19:00-20:00 會舉行網上義工簡介會,講解義工內容, 並解說源頭減廢及乾淨回收的重要性,以及問答環節,請各位義工預留時間出席-簡介會的PPT於會後發送給各位義工參考
義工要求:-不需要任何經驗-認同源頭減廢的重要性、願意接觸棄置物-唔介意污糟-年滿12歲 (12-17歳義工需提交家長同意書)注意事項:-回收站工作需接觸及處理棄置物 (包括 廚餘、飲品樽等)-青協會提供回收站的所有用具及手套-青協為每位參加義工的義工提供簡便膳食一份 (如 三文治)-本會將經電郵/whatsapp通知報名結果。-若義工人手過盛,義工可能會被安排到其他欠缺人手的崗位, 如 人群管理、運送物資等。
香港青年協會可持續發展部為2025年1月24-26日舉行的青年鄰舍節 2025招募義工,負責營運環保回收站!我地好需要各位嘅幫手!
24 Jan 2025 - 26 Jan 2025
West Kowloon
You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.
6 hours in total
To transform Hong Kong into a more livable and sustainable city, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) has incorporated sustainable development into its core service direction, actively encouraging young people to focus on climate change and environmental protection. Through environmental education, practical action, and leading change at three levels, with youth taking the lead and mobilizing youth power, we aim to nurture and inspire them to become leaders in sustainable development. Together, we can participate in Hong Kong’s transition towards carbon neutrality and build a better living environment.
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