Take photos at our end of life talk for the public
We are hosting a end of life talk: 劃出人生的圓弧 - 晚期生命的靈性關懷分享會 and you can see the details here: https://forms.gle/2r3apB5FaAqADsCj8
We'll provide briefing and share the phototaking requirements
This helps with our marketing and content creation, allowing us to showcase our impact within the community
24 Aug 2024 - 24 Aug 2024
Kwun Tong
4 hours in total
No age requirement
Rooted in Christianity faith and respect for life, and also the spirit of love and hope of Jesus Christ, we hope to provide the best quality and innovative aged care service to the elders to further their faith, hope and love for life and to affirm the blessings they have and to develop their ability so that while enriching their life, blessings would be bestowed on the service providers and receivers under life be influenced by life.
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