Graphic Designer

Help us design the poster, goodie bag and newsletter for an event

Graphic Designer
Human Rights

Posted over 3 years ago. Application closed.

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Project Details

What we need
  • Create a poster for the event invitation and resize it for different social media or distribution channels (FB, IG, IG story and newsletter)
  • Create 1 goodie bag packaging design
  • Create a design for post-event post layouts for IG and our newsletter

We'r launching new service hub and will have opening + few tour sessions for guests

What we have

Branding guideline will be provided

Why this is important

This is the 1st sexual health service hub for young women

Project Period

07 Nov 2021 - 08 Dec 2021



Honorarium available upon completion



20 hours in total

  • Brand Design
  • Product Design
  • Email Layout and Template
  • Email Marketing
  • Photography
  • Social Media
  • Graphic Design
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Teen's Key Hong Kong


Human Rights
What we do

Teen’s Key Hong Kong is a local charity serving high-risk vulnerable young women, offering life-enriching schemes, and facilitating comprehensive sexual health & reproductive education in Hong Kong. We join hands with our community to give hope and change the life stories of vulnerable young women. Our vision is to see all young women and girls have the opportunity, support and resources to achieve their potential and dream inclusively in our living community- Hong Kong. Established in 2011, Teen’s Key Hong Kong is the first recognized all young women-led charitable institution under S88 of the IRD (#91/14605), also an organization member of The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS).

Graphic Designer

20 hours in total, 1 month

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