Mentors for Underprivileged Youths 基層青年友師

Be a one-year mentor for youth living in poverty (Flexible schedule) 成為基層青年一年的友師(彈性時間)

Mentors for Underprivileged Youths 基層青年友師

Posted about 2 months ago. Application closes in 2 months.

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Project Details

What we need
  • Mentor underprivileged post-secondary youth by sharing career experiences, teaching effective learning methods, fostering a positive mindset, and developing reflective skills. Additionally, help them build professional relationships and expand their social networks. 與青年分享你的工作經驗,培養正面思考模式,並開拓社交圈子。
  • Our main service targets are youths aged from 15 to 24, you will be paired with one youth throughout the year. 我們的主要服務對象是年齡在15至24歲之間的青年,您將與一位青年結成師友,在整個一年的計劃中共同合作。
  • Mentor requirements: Age: 21 years or above, Education: Degree or above, Work experience: Two years or more, Language: Able to communicate in Cantonese, Mentors are required at least a 1-year commitment. 友師要求:年齡:21歲或以上,學歷:學士學位或以上,工作經驗:兩年或以上,語言:能夠以廣東話進行溝通,師友關係至少需要承諾一年的時間。
  • We seek mentors eager to share career experiences, effective learning methods, and guide youths in developing a positive mindset. 尋找願意分享職業經驗、學習方法並幫助青年建立積極思維模式的友師。
  • Dates and times are flexible, depending on your schedule and that of the youth you mentor. 日期和時間彈性安排,取決於您和青年的時間表。

With the generous support by the Community Chest of Hong Kong, SoCO will initiate “Engage for Change - Internship and mentoring for empowering the youth living in poverty” project since June 2023. The 3-year project included Mentroship. Each mentor is paired with a youth aged 15-24. Individual professionals are invited as mentor to enlighten the post-secondary youth in poverty, including sharing of career experience, learning methodology, building up positive thinking mindset and effective reflection model, as well as rapport building with professionals and social networking; Your kind participation would facilitate upward social mobility and improve the livelihood of the underprivileged youth. 

What we have

For more details and information, please contact The Society for Community Organization at 2279 2209.Responsible colleagues: Mr. Yeung and Mr. KwokWhatsApp contact: 5139 4996如欲了解更多詳情及資訊,歡迎聯絡香港社區組織協會2279 2209負責同事: 楊sir及郭sirWhatsApp聯絡: 5139 4996

Why this is important

Corporate staff and individual professionals are invited to enlighten the post-secondary youth in poverty, including sharing of career experience, learning methodology, building up positive thinking mindset and effective reflection model, as well as helping youth to achieve their goals. 企業員工和個人專業人士為貧困的大專學生提供啟蒙,包括分享職業經驗、學習方法,建立積極思維和有效反思模式,以及幫助青年實現他們的目標。

Project Period

14 Oct 2024 - 13 Oct 2025


4/F Posco Building 165 Un Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon, Hong Kong (Event use only) 深水埗元州街165號步陞工商業大廈4樓 (只限活動用)



8 hours per month

  • Youth Mentorship
  • Communication
Experience Level
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese Mandarin
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
Age Range

About the Organization

Society for Community Organisation


What we do

Work for dignity Society for Community Organization (SoCO) is a human rights advocacy group established in 1972, dedicated to serve the underprivileged community in Hong Kong. Working with limited resources, SoCO advocates for comprehensive social policy changes to ensure the protection of fundamental human rights of people in Hong Kong. Struggle for survival In the metropolitan city of Hong Kong, there are over 1.4 million people living in poverty. Over 200,000 residents live in urban slums, in squalid conditions that are inadequate for basic living with human dignity. These marginalized groups include caged home lodgers, families with children living in cramped wood-partitioned cubicles, sub-divided units’ households, new immigrants, homeless people as well as people with mental illness all struggling for survival.

Mentors for Underprivileged...

8 hours per month, 1 year

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