Portrait Photographer

Take professional portraits for our deaf youth instructors

Portrait Photographer
Community Development

Posted 3 months ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Join a 30-min briefing call
  • Take professional portrais and edit photos for around 10 deaf youth instructors
  • Please bring your own camera and other necessary equipment
  • Open to discuss the shooting date

We are planning to launch a series of activities led by our deaf youths and we would like to prepare instructor portrait photos

What we have

We can reserve a studio with plain colour backgrounds and basic lighting for the shooting

Why this is important

The portrait photos can help promote future activities which aim to show the ability of deaf people and promote inclusion to the public. In addition, the deaf youths are also welcome to use the photos for other purposes, such as job applications, as this can further support their future career development

Project Period

26 Jun 2024 - 31 Aug 2024


Next to Science Park



6 hours in total

  • Photo Editing
  • Portrait Photography
Experience Level
  • Open to all
  • Students
  • Some experience
  • Extensive experience
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

SLCO Community Resources



Community Development
What we do

語橋社會資源有限公司(語橋社資)是於二零一六年由香港中文大學「可持續知識轉移項目基金」支持下成立的獨立非牟利慈善機構,以語言學研究和前線服務經驗為基礎,發展及提供各項手語雙語培訓及溝通支援服務,提升各個有需要群體的語言、認知、溝通及人際相處等能力,並致力推廣和實踐共融理念,建構無溝通障礙的多元社會。 SLCO Community Resources Limited (SLCO-CR) was established in 2016 with the support of the Sustainable Knowledge Transfer Project Fund of The Chinese University of Hong Kong as an independent non-profit charitable organization to provide self-sustainable community services based on linguistics research, empirical evidence and experience in frontline services. The vision of SLCO-CR is to promote sign bilingualism in communication, education and social inclusion; to create a diversified community without communication barrier.

Portrait Photographer

6 hours in total, 2 months

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