Graphic Designer / Illustrator

Create designs for our rehab training & teaching materials (復康治療及教育素材/圖像設計)

Graphic Designer / Illustrator

Posted about 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Graphic Design and Illustration for educational materials
  • 與團隊共同協作以設計復康治療及教育相關的素材/圖像

SENtoR is a social innovation project, adopting a “T (Tutor) + T (Therapist)” model, integrating the concept of outreach “private tutoring” and “rehabilitation training. The project is supported by PolyU “Good Seed”. “SENtoR” means “SEN to R (R for Rehabilitation and Resources)” and “SEN-centered tutoring”. The team is consisted of Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and Special Child Care Worker. SENtoR (星資匯.社區連網) 是一項社會創新項目,獲香港理工大學「好薈社」計劃及社創基金支持。計劃由言語治療師、職業治療師、社會工作者及特殊幼兒老師團隊,培訓大專學歷人士 (Train-the-Trainer),並與地區社福機構單位協作,為學前及學齡兒童提供特殊學習需要 (SEN) 為本的學習與復康支援。

What we have

Service fee and allowance would be provided to the designers and developers. Content would be based on the discussion and co-working with the Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and Special Child Care Worker. 服務費用會給予設計師及教材開發人員。內容與團隊中的言語治療師、職業治療師、社會工作者及特殊幼兒老師討論及訂制。

Why this is important

Designers or developers interested in joining the project can kindly fill in the application form accordingly. For enquiries, please contact us by email ( or Whatsapp (+852 5932-2558). 計劃現時正進一步開發相應 教材/教具 以及 網上學習平台/手機應用程式。如有興趣參與,可將電郵至,亦可Whatsapp (+852) 5932-2558 查詢

Project Period

10 Feb 2022 - 10 Apr 2022


Remote (網上/ 家中/ 其他地點)

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.

Honorarium available upon completion



10 hours per month

  • Brand Asset Design
  • Infographic Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Special Needs Education
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization



What we do

SENtoR is a social innovation project supported by the PolyU "Good Seed" programme, adopting a “T (Tutor) + T (Therapist)” model, integrating the concept of outreach “private tutoring” and “rehabilitation training. “SENtoR” means “SEN to R (R for Rehabilitation and Resources)” and “SEN-centered tutoring”. The team is consisted of Speech Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and Special Child Care Worker. SENtoR (星資匯.社區連網) 是一項社會創新項目,獲香港理工大學「好薈社」支持。 計劃由言語治療師、職業治療師、社會工作者及特殊幼兒老師團隊,培訓大專學歷人士 (Train-the-Trainer),並與地區社福機構單位協作,為學前及學齡兒童提供特殊學習需要 (SEN) 為本的學習與復康支援。

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