Social Media Content Translator (Daily)

We post on social media daily between 6pm-7pm, we would love you to help us translate these posts to Chinese

Social Media Content Translator (Daily)
Community Development
Human Rights

Posted almost 3 years ago. Application closed.

Questions? Submit an enquiry

Project Details

What we need
  • Social media posts are created by our team around 6:30pm on workdays with 1-2 sentences focusing on thanksgiving and fundraising, translate such posts into Chinese
  • Occasionally there may be longer posts like "Emergency Food Drive" which can be translated on the following day if they are not "evening specific"
  • Translate the posts and send it as an email to us, our team will add it to the posts
  • You are welcome and encouraged to make suggestions on the wording and structure to optimise the post for Chinese-speaking audiences, your cultural suggestions are appreciated as we wish to target the local Chinese-speaking community
  • Consider a long term partnership with Refugee Union to develop our Chinese social media content

We believe the time is ripe for the Refugee Union to reach beyond the English-speaking community that has supported us since 2014. We've seen other NGOs who have developed wonderful English and Chinese posts and would love to do the same.

What we have

Social media channel access and content created (@refugeeunion)

Why this is important

We marked this job for the rest of the year as we are looking for a long term volunteer to help beyond the term of this request. If you have friends to share this project according to a roster, that’s acceptable too. You will be collaborating with two resident/volunteers who curate our social media. You may also advise on developing our Chinese website if you wish.

Project Period

20 Apr 2022 - 31 Dec 2022


Remote / At home after 6pm

Team Project

You’ll be working with other awesome volunteers.



1 hour per week

  • Translation
  • Content Creation
  • Social Media
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • English
Age Range

About the Organization

Refugee Union


Community Development
Human Rights
What we do

Refugee Union's mission is to empower members to selflessly assist each other and actively participate in all matters relating to the life of refugees and the development of the asylum sphere in Hong Kong according to the highest standards of human rights.

Social Media Content Transl...

1 hours per week, 9 months

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